How to check if Spammers are on your Twitter Account

With so many risks to your accounts and computer on the Web, wouldn't it be nice to know that none of the people you follow on Twitter are adding to those risks? Safego, a Bitdefender product, offers a free service that will scan your Twitter account for suspicious users, links, and messages. It won't take any action without your consent, but it can be set to alert you when a new issue arises. Here's how to get started:

Step 1: Head over to

Step 2: Log in with your Twitter account. This means the Web site will not need you to sign up for a new account (hooray!).

Step 3: Authorize Safego when prompted by Twitter.

Step 4: Wait as Safego redirects you back to its site and starts scanning your Twitter friends for any suspicious behavior. The more people you follow; the longer this process will take.

Step 5: Once scanning is complete, check out the Friends link on the top banner (next to the Scan Now button). This will change to reflect how many, if any, of your friends are showing suspicious activity.

Step 6: Click on this Friends link to get a list of flagged friends.

Step 7: From the list that appears, you can choose to "unfollow" or clear your flagged friends.

In the notifications area (link at top, or right-hand side on dashboard) you'll see the alerts that are currently disabled. If you'd like to enable any of these to help protect your Twitter account, click on Settings at the top and choose the alerts that work best for you. Additionally, you can use Safego to scan a Twitter user for suspicious activities before you follow them from the Home dashboard.

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