How to hide secret file in image?

How to hide secret file in image?

Hello friends. Today we learn about other tricks of steganography. In past we learn about how to hide text in notepad. Now we learn about how to hide confidential file in image?

Command prompt.

Before begin, I have one secret file named : secret.pdf, I do not want other people know about this file and also a picture named : apple.jpg. All of that files I put on my personal folder named pictures.

  1. open command prompt.
  2. Now change directory to picture folder through command prompt.
  3. Now compress your secret file(secret.pdf) using winrar.
  4. Next we use command prompt. type following code
    copy /b [image_filename].jpg + [rar_filename].rar nkd.jpg
    for our example code becomes
    copy /b apple.jpg + secret.rar nkd.jpg
    here nkd.jpg is our newfile which contain hidden document.
  5. Go your picture folder , you can see nkd.jpg.
  6. Now to view original file ,nothing too do just open file with winrar or you can also change extention from jpg to rar.

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