With Windows 8, comes a new web browser- Internet Explorer 10

With Windows 8, comes a new web browser- Internet Explorer 10

With the launch of Windows 8 came the new avatar of the Internet Explorer family- Internet Explorer 10.Internet Explorer 10 is the first ever iteration of IE browser made for touch screen platform and is the default browser on Windows 8 machines. IE 10 offers one platform that gives you two browsing experiences: One, which is optimized for touch-enabled devices and the other, which gives a familiar browsing experience on usual desktops.

What’sNew in Internet Explorer 10:

Two aspect of the same browser where one renders touch screen experience and the other renderstraditional desktop experience. The homescreen though is same for both. Other than its complete transformation to touch, IE10 supports multi-column, multi-grid and a multi-flexible box layout.

By default, IE10 keeps you on the traditional browsing experience (to follow links), in which you go on your web browser, run a search and then click on the link to visit the page. Now in Internet Explorer 10, you can change this default setting, switch to a built-in Lockstep (on Windows 8), and enjoy the Metro Style applications.

You can decide the settings of the tiles that open in your Internet Explorer 10 browser. These settings can be applied on Start screen as well as individual sites, which are pinned on your start page.

Enhanced Protect Mode is new in Internet Explorer 10, which extends the normal protected mode of your web browser. This mode prevents attackers from modifying settings and installing any malicious or unwanted software into your browser. Additionally, this mode adds further restriction on accessing personal information by restricting locations that houses your personal information. This section is accessible only if you permit.

IE 10 also restricts access to any valuable information on a corporate network resource by restriction internet tab processes to access user’s domain credentials, by not allowing internet tab processes to operate as a local web server and by restricting internet tab processes to make any connections to intranet servers.

Author Bio:
Authored by Amyclaus.Need Remote Assistance- Mytechgurus. Get affordable technical support for resolving technical issues with computers and for computer repair.Online services and free Guaranteed Remote Computer Repair is here mytechgurusinc.

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