Extract metadata from file in Backtrack

Metadata is stored in any document by authoring application which can be user-name ; comment ;creation date;modification date.Metadata is very important in computer Forensic ; well know hacker group Anonymous `s members are arrested due to metadata. Because they upload document without clearing metadata ; so by reading metadata we can find lots of juicy information.

Previous we saw how we can extract metadata using FOCA from website ; But we can also extract metadata from BACKTRACK using exiftool.

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Exiftool can extract metadata from images ;documents ,videos etc.Most of file format are supported in exiftool. EXIFTOOL can also write metadata into Documents. So before uploading document remove metadata from it

How to use?
(1)If you are not using backtrack than you can download from git. For ubuntu user type following command in terminal.
git clone https://github.com/pandastream/libimage-exiftool-perl-9.27.git exiftool
sudo apt-get install libarchive-zip-perl

(2)cd exiftool
(3)./exiftool /path of file.

Extract metadata from pdf file:-

./exiftool /path of pdf file


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