How to Create A Blogger Blog in Less Than 5 Minutes?

So finally you think you want to start your own Blog? This is really great Idea!!!
  • But have you ever thought from where to start?
  • Have you thought about what niche to choose for your Blog?
  • Have you got enough time to spend for your Blog?
Everything seems to you Confusing, puzzling, baffling... Heehaw…

same thing was happen when I started my Blogging career back in 2010. 

At that time I have walked through a wrong path. And fall down again and again. Because my Blogging niche was totally wrong. 

After deep analysis in 2012 I have started walking in right direction in my Blogging career. And I have started BloggerSpice with zero blogging ideas. 

At that time I read huge Blog everyday and make comments about confusing issues. After hard work I have learn how to do Blogging. Still I am learning new things every day.

However BloggerSpice is now in pretty good position on the basis of Traffic and Earnings.

You may read various articles over the net about creating new blog and accumulating new ideas. But this isn’t so easy to select a right niche for your Blogging career. 

How to Create A Blogger Blog easily?
Don’t worry friend I am here to guide you to create a new Blog instantly in Blogger Platform. I won’t say that I am most knowledgeable and expert on everything but I can assure you to create your own Blog with some simple, easy and understandable steps. Sounds awesome right?

Let’s move on.

Why You Should Create a Blog?

This is not like that my friends or colleague running Blog and earning money, so I will create one. Rather there are several incentives works behind creating a Blog.  Such as-
  • The Most popular medium for spreading our knowledge is Blog.
  • Blog is more popular than Website.
  • A Blog can be creating for any reason; from personal to professional purpose people can create Blog.
  • For Brain storming Blog is better medium.
  • You will able to well acquaint with huge reader group.
  • It will help to enhance relationship with new people around the web.
  • Finally you will able to make money without any investment.
Note that this will take 10 to 20 minutes for creating a new Blog in Blogger Platform. However within this time you can relax and grab yourself a cup of coffee or juice whatever you like. 

And now let’s dive into the Blogging world.

Step By Step Guideline for Creating a New Blog in Blogger BlogSpot Platform

You can make your own Blog Instantly, but there are some pre conditions for starting a Blog. Those are
  • Selecting Right niche for your Blog
  • Choosing right Blogging Platform
  • Blog setting with free Domain or Top level domain.
  • What will be the Blog Design?

1. Selecting Right Niche for Your Blog

First you have to decide what types of Blogging niche to select for starting your Blog. Because there are many Blogging niche you can select. This is up to you. 

But you should select that niche which one you like and select your field of interest thus you can grow your Blogging idea rapidly. Suppose you have selected a Niche but you don’t like to write about it or you don’t have much knowledge about this topic. 

So in this case your Blogging startup may fail. So be couscous about niche. In my Blogging life, few days I have started writing about Android Apps and Games review on another Blog but actually I don’t like to write about it. 

So finally I have stop writing review on Android Apps and Games.  However there are many people who love to write about it and become a successful Blogger.

There are some popular niches which you can select for your Blogging Startup. Such as –

However you can generate more idea for selecting your Best niche. There is a simple trick to choosing profitable niche which one helps you to bring your Blogging success rapidly. 

According to survey the most profitable niche is Health and Beauty Blog and Food related Blog, because in this niche everybody is not expert so very few people start Blogging on this niche. It has great demand. 

However Blogging Tips and tricks is most competitive niche where millions of Blog publishing article on this niche. So you should take decision yourself.

2. Choosing the Right Blogging Platform

Blogging Platform is very important for Blogging success. And according to your niche you have to select appropriate Blogging Platform. There three most popular Blogging Platform such as
  • WordPress – This is Most popular Blogging Platform. Almost 40% of total Blogging Platform users are using WordPress. Because WordPress is more secured than any other Blogging platform. However WordPress is biggest Blogging Platform but as a newbie you may not able to understand the usability properly. On the other hand you have to buy both Domain and Hosting for using WordPress.
  • Blogger – This is Best platform for startup a Blog. Because it provides free hosting with Google hosted Domain. Blogger is Google’s popular product so zillions of Blog users prefer this platform.
  • Tumblr – There are huge Blog and social media site using Tumblr. Because this Blogging platform is very easy to use.
As a new Blogger we must use Google Blogger. Because this is very easy to use. And you don’t have to spend a single penny for creating your own Blog in Blogger Platform.

3. Blog setting with free Domain or Top level domain.

After selecting the platform you should decide to use free domain or any top level domain. This is important because it plays very significant rule. There are many Blogger use free domain and after become popularity they buy custom domain. 

In this case then lose all the bakclinks they got with hosted Domain.

However for free Google hosted domain you don’t have to spend any single penny. But for custom Domain you must buy and renew every year.

4. What will be the Blog Design?

Blog design also affects your Blogging success. There are different types of Design which you can use. In case of WordPress this is called Theme. And in Blogger platform previous name was Template but they rename it to Blogger Theme. We will use Blogger theme on Blogger platform.

And you will find huge free and paid Blogger theme which is available over the net.  We can use Magazine, Grid, and Gallery etc style theme.

If you are interested to have your own blog on Google Blogger platform then the first task is that you have to know how to create a blog? 

This tutorial will assist you to create your own blog on Google Blogger Platform. 

Google Blogger is a leading blogging platform which is absolutely free with many features. For having a Blog in Google you must have a Gmail account. If you don't have then read through the tutorial about creating a Gmail account. 

How to Create Gmail Account?

As we will create our blog on Google Blogging platform so we must have a Gmail account.If you use Gmail, Google Groups, or YouTube, you already have an account. 

If you don't have a Google Account Yet, you can create one within 5 minutes. Just follow the below steps for creating Gmail account. 

Step #1: Go to

Step #2: Now fill up the form by writing your Name, email address, Date of birth, Gender, Mobile Phone number, current email address, Location etc. 

Gmail sign up

Step #3: Now check the box where I agree to the Google Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Step #4: And hit the Next Step button. a email account success message will appear on the screen like below.


Step #5: Click on Get Started for necessary Edit and Settings.

Congratulation you have successfully created your Gmail account. Now we will go further for the next stage.

How to Create a Blog on Google Blogger Platform?

Now we will go for main task to create a new blog on Google Blogger. To start using Blogger you have to go on Google Blogger official Site first, then simply sign up with your Google Account.

Step #1: Go to Google Blogger site and sign in with your new account.

sign in

Step #2: Now it will headed to Confirm Your Profile page with 2 profile options Google+ Profile or Blogger Profile.

Blogger profile

We will create Google+ Profile later. Now just click on Create a limited Blogger Profile under Blogger Profile option.

Step #3: Now under Blogger profile write your Display Name. And this name will display on your blog account. I have written myblogspice which is used in my Gmail account but you can use different one. And click on Continue to Blogger Button from bottom of the page.

add display name

Step #4: Now Blogger Home page will appear with New Blog option. This option will help you to create new blog. So just click on New Blog button.

new blog

Step #5: Now write a suitable Blog Title first and then Address (You have to write your blog address in lower case.)
create blog

Step #6: And select any template from Theme section. (You can use custom theme later).

Step #7: Finally hit the Create blog button.

Step #8: Now you can see in your blog dash board that a new blog has created.

blog created

Now Click on view blog or simply write your Blog address in your browser’s address bar and hit the enter button your blog will display like below image. If you use different template then different template will display on your blog homepage.


Remember that Google is providing free blogging service and for this reason with your blog will add but if you want to remove .blogspot from your blog name then you have to buy domain name from any domain name seller.

For more clarification you can view the below video tutorial about creating a Blog easily.

Hope by following this tutorial you would able to create a new blog easily. However if you have any query then feel free to leave a comment below. 

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