Make Full Width Page in Blogger Default & Custom Template


In Blogger Platform we can do everything and as a free Blogging platform this is the most flexible to its users. While blogging then often we need to create a Full width page. Suppose you want to create Contact page, 404 Error page or HTML encoder, editor page then we must add a full width page. However major Blogger template  included Sidebar Post header and footer which will always display in every Blog page. As a result it will make your Contact page, 404 Error page or HTML encoder, editor pages narrow.

So in this tutorial we will make our selective Blog pages Full width by using simple CSS code. This code will work like charm. It will hide the Blogger sidebar, Middle sidebar (in case of double sidebar template) Blog pager and navigation, Post header and footer. After that to increase the page size I have added a additional code that will increase the Main wrapper and content  wrapper width 99%.

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Another feature of this trick is that it will work on both Blogger Default and Custom Template. So let's proceed to the tutorial.

Step 1 Sing in to your Blogger Account and Go to Blogger Dashboard

Step 2 Now Click on Blogger Dashboard -> Pages -> Blank Page

Step 3 After that switch to HTML view from top left corner.

Step 4 Copy the below code and Paste it there. After that Switch to Compose view.

#sidebar-wrapper, #midsidebar-wrapper,.column-left-outer, .column-right-outer, .gapad2, .blog-pager, .post-header-line-1, .post-footer, #comments {
display:none !important;
#main-wrapper { width:99%!important;}
.post { width:99%!important; }
.fauxcolumn-outer { width:99%!important; }
.main-inner .columns { width:99%!important; }

Step 5 Finally hit the Publishbutton and check your Page.


  • To change the width of the page replace 99% with 95% or 100%
Before publishing the page you can add your Contact form, 404 Error page code or any other code that will show to your visitors in full width. However the code vary among different template for variable definition. If you can identify the variable then change the code according to your template variable definition.  

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