How to Publish News and Blog in iCloud News Publisher?

apple icloud news publisher

Recently Apple has lunched iCloud news publisher which is amazing new extension of Apple platform. In this new feature you will able to submit your Blog and publish your personal and official channel, Blog and websites. As a Blogger this is a great opportunity for us to divert huge traffic form Apple device users.

Generally Apple device user will able to view and read your channel. However for this you have to be little bit tricky.

About Publishing on News Publisher

iCloud News Publisher simplified to share out interactive and engaging articles on News, an all-new app built right into iOS 9 which is help to reach to the audience. But you must make high-quality news, magazine, and blog sources in a single beautiful content experience.

This feature is not only suitable for news organization but also an individual blogger can deliver their content to News.

How to Sign up With News Publisher?

For publishing news and Blog you must sign up with Apple. If you have already an Apple account then you will able to sign in with your existing account. But for new user must sign up. For signing up just follow the below simple steps-

Step 1 Visit and click on Continue button.

news publisher

Step 2 Now click on Don’t have an Apple ID?  Create yours now beneath to sign in box.


Step 3 Apple ID creation page will appear. And fill up the form with necessary information. And click on Continue link.

Step 4 Apple will send you a verification code into your email account. So open the email and get the verification code and write your verification code in sign up form.  After that, click on Verify link.

Step 5 Instantly Terms and Conditions page will appear and click on Agree link from the bottom of the page.

That’s it you have successfully create Apple ID. Now it’s time to create a channel under your iCloud News Publisher account.

How to create Channel on News Publisher?

This is very easy to create a Channel to news publisher. Just follow the below steps-

Step 1 Visit and login to your account.

Step 2 From top of the screen click on iCloud News Publisher drop menu and select News Publisher.

setup your publisher channel

Step 3 Now fill up your publisher information and use Next link to fill up whole form.

Step 4 Its time to add your channel logo. But you can skip this option. For uploading logo click Choose Logo… link and upload it.


Step 5 After that you have to select news format. You can choose either RSS or Apple News Format. As a Blogger we should select RSSfor publishing our Blog article easily. For using RSS news format click on I’d rather use RSS for now link.

RSS feed

Step 6 Now Add your RSS feeds page add RSS feed URL in blank field. And click on Nextlink.

add your RSS Feed

Step 7 RSS Terms & Conditions page will appear and after agreeing with RSS Terms & Conditions click Submit link.

Well done…you have successfully completed the entire step now it’s waiting time. Because After a short review by Apple developer team you will able publish Blog and news on iCloud News Publish.

Can I Monetize my iCloud News Publisher?

iCloud News Publisher not only allow you to publish your Blog and News but also you will able to monetize your channel through iAd. It also provides information about earning revenue through iAd. Apple will share Ad revenue 70: 30 ratio. That means if you earn $100 then Apple will share with you $70. But I think this is pretty good.

Hope this trick will help you to divert traffic from Apple device users. And for any kinds of help don’t forget to add your valuable comment. Happy Blogging!!!

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