Let us analysis the vcash (xvc) 24hrs chart critically and see if we can make some money out of it. from the chart you will notice an increase in price from about 26600 sats to about 35000 sats. That is about 31.57% in profits in less than 24hrs which is huge for anybody who keyed into it. Now when you look at the chart after that peak of about 35000 you begin to see a downward trend as in a fall in price.

from the arrow mark it is about 32500 sats. That is a buy opportunity coming up gradually. be that as it may, i will advice and recommend you wait a bit and see if it will falls below 30000 sats. If it does then dont hesitate to buy. still follow it up with a buy order if the price falls further.

if there is a rebound just stay put

This is what i will personally do, if i have bitcoins now.

Note: This is just an honest review and recommendation. You are not obligated in any way to follow this review.

Make sure you do you personal research and be convinced about it before buying and selling any coin.

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