How to Change Pinterest Page’s Board Cover Images?

pinterest board image to change

Are you getting bored by watching same cover images on your Pinterest page’s board? Don’t worry you will able to change it within a minute. Many Pinterest think that board image automatically generate by Pinterest and it hasn’t any user control over board image. But Pinterest has very good option to change its board cover images. And this will make your Board more eye-catching.

A Pinterest user doesn’t have to add or option to add image cover manually, because Pinterest generate automatically from your shared content. But you can select the image from your Blog content that you want to share on Pinterest board. And Pinterest will choose your first image to display on their board. But after including first image then we have option to change images from different shared contents. And to changes Pinterest board image it’s better to use a Laptop or Desktop PC.

Why should we change Board Images?

This is a good question that why we should change Board image? And against this there are several arguments I have.
  • You can remove the dullness of your Pinterest board by changing pictures.
  • By watching same old pictures on board visitors will become boar. And they won’t feel interest to visit your board.
  • Frequent change of Pinterest board image lead you to more visitors, because visitors always want to see something fresh and new.
  • Pinterest follower can increase rapidly by using different board cover.
  • For beautifying your Pinterest board standard image should be use, and this is possible by using selective images.

So now it’s clear that why we should use and changes images on Pinterest boards. Remember that more attractive board image means getting more leads on Pinterest profile for your website. 

How to Change Pinterest Page’s Board Cover Images?

If your Pinterest followers see you are regularly updating your Pinterest board with new images or cover then will keep engaged with your Pinterest page. As well as it will help to get new followers on your Pinterest page.

Now I will show you how easily we can change or Edit Pinterest board images by few clicks. Please follow the below steps-

Step 1 Visit and login to your Pinterest account.

BloggerSpice pinterest board

Step 2 Go to your desired Pinterest board which one you want to change cover and click Edit from the below of board. Alternatively you can open up the board and click Edit Board button from top right corner of the screen.

Edit your pinterest board

Step 3 Now locate Cover from popup window and Click on Change button from there.

Step 4 And pick a new cover for your board by scroll through your most recent pins by using Right arrow. After selecting the board image, adjust the picture to the frame by clicking and dragging.

change pinterest board images

Step 5 Finally Click Save Changes button to save the cover, then click Save button to save the Pinterest board.

That’s it I just change my How To board’s cover image. Now it’s my Pinterest board is looking new and fresh. You can go to check out my Pinterest board I am sure you will find something interesting.

I hope you this tutorial will help to change your Pinterest board Image and if you need any help then feel free to leave comment. I love finding new ideas and share to help others.

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