How to Convert PDF Files without a Desktop Software

In a world where technology reigns supreme, so many things in our lives are simplified by it, but there are some aspects that remain rather complicated. For those of us who deal with it on a daily basis, it’s necessary to have a deep understanding of these technological issues, in order to enhance our knowledge levels and overcome problems with ease, and of course, in as little time as possible.

One of the tech things that often confuse people are PDF files, or more precisely how to edit PDFs. This format is renowned world-wide as a standard for sharing different business documents, because of their capability to be viewed on every operating system and device exactly as they were created, which is a unique value among file formats. For this reason many programs have an option to create a PDF from another file type, thus making it ideal for sending.

But on the other hand, once the PDF is sent to another user, it becomes a read-only file, and the person who received it cannot make any changes to it without the use of specially designed software or online tools, which convert PDFs back to their native state. The software solutions are often expensive, and for people who don’t require this kind of operation frequently, they are fairly unnecessary.

Unlike them, online tools are usually completely free, and there is no significant difference in comparison to software solutions for simple files. Today we’re going to introduce a conversion tool that can handle the three most popular Microsoft Office formats, Excel, PowerPoint and Word, because these files are also mostly used for creating documents and then sending them in PDF.

PDF Converter

PDF Converter’s Free Online PDF Conversion functions by taking three simple steps, and for the sake of the demonstration, in the continuation of the text we will focus on one of these three formats, for instance Excel.

PDF Converter - Select a file

The first step is choosing the PDF file from your hard drive that you want to convert back to Excel.

PDF Converter - Enter your email

The next phase is selecting the email address where you will find the link to the converted file once the process is complete. It’s important to note that your private information will never be used by the company, nor will it be ever sold to someone else.

PDF Converter - Start conversion

The third and final part is clicking on the “Start” button, after which you will find the link in your mail address. It’s all quite simple, and even the non tech-savvy users will have no problem maneuvering this tool.

We sincerely hope you found this information useful, and when the time comes, you will put this tool to good use.

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