Cryptocurrency Is Money Of The Future.
The digital currency Swiss coin is clearly the future in the online payment.
The algorithm of SWISS COIN allows 10 billion digital cryptocoins tobe mined by it's users.100 Million FREE SWISSCOINS For The People
1 million people receive in their free registration, each 100 SWISSCOINS booked as FREE COINS in its account. (users have to purchase at least the smallest package to keep their 100 FREE COINS)
1 Million SWISSCOINS For Shops And Businesses
as a currency, will each receive 100 SWISSCOINS as FREE COIN
Location In Switzerland With Swiss Citizen As CEO
Coincidence that we have our headquarters in Canton train, the new digital financial center in the new Crypto Valley in Switzerland. "Werner Marquetant, CEO & Partner
Unique Hybrid Marketing Plan
In SWISSCOIN there are no "dead legs" bringing you nothing. With our unique compensation plan you benefit fairly and promptly from your work every day!
The "VOLKSCOIN" - Training Packs Starting At €25
SWISSCOIN allows independent of wealth, age, gender, race, skin color, to benefit education and place of residence in the boom of crypto currencies. With lower investment options there is a possibility to earn huge profits for anyone.

Powerful Back Office For Partners
The free BackOffice is a strong ally in your efforts to quickly, effectively and professionally build SWISSCOIN business.
Until the public trading starts your SWISSCOINS are stored free on paperwallets in a bank-independent high-security vaults in Switzerland.Free Paperwallet Storage Of Your SWISSCOINS
All SWISSCOIN Is Insured For Free
In addition, all members of SWISSCOIN are insured as Paperwallet.
A Historic Opportunity, Once In A Lifetime
Crypto currencies like SWISSCOIN is the beginning of the revolution of money transactions! Do not miss this unique opportunity and get started today.
- Investments packages:
- TRAINEE €25ROOKIE FREE - EBook free 0 Split Academy level: 0
- - 200 token 1 Split Academy Level: 1
- TESTER €50 - 500 token 1 Split Academy level: 2
- TESTER €100 - 1,000 tokens 1 Split Academy level: 3
- TESTER €250 - 2,500 tokens 1 Split Academy Level: 4
- TESTER €500 - 5,000 tokens 1 Split Academy Level: 5
- TRADER €1000 - 10,000 tokens 2 splits Academy Level: 6
- CRYPTO-TRADER €2500 - 25,000 tokens 2 splits Academy Level: 7
- CRYPTO-BROKER €5000 - 60,000 tokens 2 splits Academy Level: 8
- CRYPTO-BROKERS €7500 - 90,000 tokens 3 splits Academy Level: 9
- CRYPTO-MANAGER €10000 - 120,000 tokens 3 Splits in Mining Academy Level: 10
- CRYPTO-DIRECTOR €15000 - 200,000 tokens 3 Splits in Mining Academy Level: 11
SwissCoin Compensation Plan
You have 5 different income opportunities
Direct Bonus
In all directly sponsored training packages you will receive 10% direct bonus on business
Volume (BV). The Direct Bonus is paid daily.
Volume (BV). The Direct Bonus is paid daily.
During your first 30 days of registering acumulative sales of at least 5,000 BV and have at least 2 First liners with each a TESTER-50 package, you will also receive a bonus of €500. From a conversion 10,000 BV you even get €1.000. The Fast Start Bonus is paid in your tradingaccount and can only buy SWISSCOINS, tokens and Training Packs.
Team Bonus 2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20-22%
For the Team Bonus you need to qualify only once by sponsoring 2 directly Partner (First Line) with at least a training pack for €25 bought. The bonus levels is calculated on all you BVs collected over all time. The team bonus will be settled daily.Team Bonuses is NOT paid on own revenues.
Matching Bonus 5-10-15-20-15-10-5-4-3-2-1%
The matching bonus is calculated on what your downline is earning, so if your downline make a lot of money, so do you.
You only need to qualify for matching bonus one time with aminimum TESTER €250 package and up, you will also have to directly sponsor (first line) 2 people that upgrade to a minimun of TESTER €50 pack. Matching bonus is paid daily
Diamond Pool: Share 1% Of The Worldwide Turnover
Depending on what career stage you have reached, you will receive 1-7 units of Diamond Pool. The Diamond pool is paid 2 times a year. (1st Saturday in August and the 1st Saturday in February) Qualification period is from January to June and July to December each year.
How You'll Get Paid For The Work You Do..
- All sales (BV) cumulates
- All transactions (1 BV = € 0.80) cumulative for all time. Retained bonus and career levels is preserved for life.
- 60/40 Bonus payment
- 60% of bonuses every day in the cash account and 40% in the trading account
- Cash account
- Balance in cash account can be used freely.
- Trading account
- Balance in trading account can only be used to buy SWISSCOINS, tokens and Training packs
- MasterCard
- Will be activade during september 2016 and directly connected to you cash account
You Can Now Upgrade Your Account With PAYPAL
Paying your upgrade with Paypal is now activated, payza and payeer is on the way
Finally OKPay has been activated too, so now you can upgrade viaSEPA, SWIFT, BITCOIN, OKPAY ETHER DASH ...
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