How to get free twitter followers

How to get free twitter followers

Hi guys this me shahid khan appozai..

Today i will shere with you that how can you get more folloers
for free.Guys this method is so easy and use full for all.
It is said that "Nothing is free in the world " but you can get free followers free of cast.

(1) First Log into your Twitter account.

(2) Check out your profile followers and the people you are following.
(3) Open a new tab and search for " " .
(4) here you will see the word " LOG IN TO YOUR TWITTER ACCOUNT" click
(5) you will be asked for athourication  and get processed to this step.
(6) Now come back and choose the option get followers now.
(7) Guys you have to wait for 4 minutes.
  After 4 minutes quickly go to your twitter sitting.
(8) Now go to the appliction sitting in your twitter account sitting and cancel the access aplicatoin.
(9) Now checkout your profile and you will see that your account will automatically get upto 30 followers in just 5 minuets.
(10) Unfollow all people that you don't want to follow and once again revise the process.
   It is very easy method and you can get upto 400 followers per day.

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