Whenever we think about money making ideasfrom our Blog and website then we decide to monetize our website. As a result we take various steps to integrate an ad network and optimization for increase our ad revenue. However many online scam and fake ad network out there are ready to break your dream, because by using those eventually you won’t able to make money. So you need right guidelines to get well acquaintance with legit ad network which will pay you actually.
I have found a native advertising network but the question is: Are they Legit Money Making Native Advertising Network?
Legitimateness is very important for any advertising company. Considering it an important factor, many companies have taken it on their shoulders and offeringmany amazing platform for advertisement on behalf of multitude advertiser. One of the most renowned among the companies is PayClick which is a CPM & CPC based ad network. And they are operating their legit ad network since 2010.
100% fill rate | No automatic payment delivery – you have to request payment yourself |
Easy to Integrate in website | TThe widget is not responsive by default – you have to set it up manually |
Real-time dashboard offering Real-time reporting A personal account manager is provided to every publisher | - |
Competitive rates | - |
Weekly payments | - |
High Sharing of revenue. | - |
The minimum payout is $20. | - |
Multiple Payment Method. | - |
It seems to me publisher will get much benefited by using this native ad network. And one important thing is we are now in new arena of advertising world. And now publisher can’t make enough money by using same old fashioned ad network.
Introduction to PayClick
Payclick is an incredible premium native ad network and this is one of the best alternatives of Google Adsense and other native advertising company. This ad network is apt for the Web and Smart Devices channels and has many unique and innovative features, expertise. Both Advertisers and Publishers grab maximum benefit from this amazing ad network.
Because of native advertising network, you can monetize your website more tactically. Visitors will think ads are part of your website content. And in many website people use this ads ad as related post. So visitors may remain active to click on ads, and there is a great opportunity to make money easily.
How To Integrate PayClick in your Website?
They have simplified integration process. Whatever the platform you can easily integrate this ad network. There are majority of users are using Blogger and WordPress platform but this ad network works with all platform. Because just you have to put ad widget code in your website. So I’m going to explain about registration process and how to get ad code.
Step #1:Please visit PayClick and click only “Registration” button.
Step #2: Enter your email address and give a password after that click “REGISTER” button.

Step #3: A verification email will go in your email address just click in activation link for activating your account. Instantly you will head to PayClick website.
Step #4: Log in with your email and password and you will head to your PayClick Dashboard. From there click “Add site” button to add your website URL. And fill up the blank fields by your Website or Blog Name, Web address, Website language and Website traffic. After that, click “Add”button.
Step #5: Now it’s time to ad widget integration. Click on “Add a widget” and from Widget settings page make necessary customization. After that click “Save” button to get the “HTML” code.

Now you are ready to Integrate PayClick on your website. Just paste the HTML script of ad and ad will start display on your website.
Minimum Payment Threshold
In case of payment you would love to receive early payment. AdSense users know very well that before reaching payment threshold, which is $100 you won’t receive a single penny. So for lower traffic site youhave to wait longer time to receive payment. But under PayClickyou can en-cash you money as soon as you hit as low as $20!
Payment Methods
This is quite hard to get payment from outside of your Border. But many online payment gateways made it easy for you. However there are many countries where all payment method is not work. But PayClick is different, because they have multiple payment method.
- PayPal
- Payoneer
- Webmoney
- Wire-transfer
So we have multiple opportunities to cash out from PayClick. Majority of people are using PayPal and where PayPal is not operating you will see Payoneer is operating there. So get payment without worries.

Final Verdict
I think you already have got a clear idea about PayClick, it has a powerful tool for the monetization of any Blog and website. Apart from this both the advertisers and publishers will earn benefits from it in the way that the publishers get paid off for the displaying the ads while the advertisers earn a good amount of money from the higher sales. Overall, This is a superior CPM based ad network that every publisher and advertiser should give a try too. And let me know about your personal experience with it.
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