How to Design a Wonderful Media Kit Quickly + Free Template

create media kit template easily

Now-a-days you might hear about Media kit template that many Bloggers and publishers are so much interested to design their own. And some of us maybe not heard yet about Media kit template. Those who are completely new with this they should know what exactly Media kit template? Why do you need Media kit? How to Create or design a Media Kit template? 

So many question huh! In this tutorial I will explain all about Media kit and but before dive into the deep sea I’m give you some basic information about Media kit.

What Is Media Kit?

Media kit is a document usually design in Photoshop, document, PDF or Power Point – that outlines the key information and statistics about your Business and Blog. 

Media kit evolves for connecting your Blog with potential sponsors and marketers, through media kit you can show up slice of your Blog information in a single page. And it can be create by PhotoShop, Microsoft word, Power point. 

Why you should design a Media Kit?

Media kit helps to collaborate with potential advertisers or brand by providing current information about your Blog or website. In addition Media Kits will help you to get more clients by attracting more sponsors & ultimately you can boost your income.

design your own media kit template from this sample
MediaKit Template 

Download FREE Media Kit Template!

What’s Goes inside a Media Kit?

This is often puzzling that what should you include in Media kit template? This is completely varied depending on your template format and your business type. For personal purpose template would be different and for Blog or Professional it should design in unusual ways. However I have sorted out some key points that every Media kit template should have, those are as follows:
  • Your Name 
  • Contact Info 
  • Your Photo 
  • Blog Title and URL 
  • Short Bio 
  • Demographics 
  • Graphics 
  • Statistics 
  • Social Media Followers 
  • Number of Email Subscribers 
  • Tagline 
  • Testimonials and Previous Works 
  • Partnership Opportunities
  1. Your Name – This maybe the first element of a Media kit template, because marketers always wants to know the name of the Blogger or Business owner. 
  2. Contact Info – This is necessary for potential sponsors or brand thus they can communication with you. You can include your email address and your physical office address. 
  3. Your Photo – Photos bring more credibility on a Media kit template. If you add your own photo then your media kit will be trust by more people.
  4. Blog Title and URL – This is a great opportunity to divert potential marketers to your Blog and show them your Blog brand name and website URL. If you own a good Blog then you can positively approach to new sponsors. 
  5. Short Bio – Let your sponsors to know you more. Write a wonderful short bio about you and your Blog. You can add bit details like about your Blog age, Your Blog niche, Topics you write about. Try to be personable thus after reading your bio advertisers feels your Blog is perfect for sponsor. 
  6. Demographics – This information gives more specific idea about your Blog readers group. Write the main readers of your blog according to Gender, age and interest. 
  7. Graphics – Generally Media kit template consist of lot of texts. And marketer may not feel interest by reading your text only. They may think your information is quite boring. So to make it attractive use few graphics if possible. You can use your Blog logo, Social media icons and some of your Epic Blog post’s images in a gallery. 
  8. Statistics – This is another important part of a Media kit. Your potential sponsors or brands will get an idea what outcomes will from your Website or Blog after working with you. And they can easily understand the size of your Blog audience and reach. You can include information about your Daily, Monthly pageviews and Unique visitors. Additionally you can add your Blog referral information. 
  9. Social Media Followers – Marketers are interested to know information about your social media profile. How many fans and followers do you have? Because this is mostly affect their sponsoring decision. 
  10. Number of Email Subscribers – For every Blog email list building necessary to become more personate with visitors. Suppose you won’t buy anything from a stranger after taking with him first time. But if you can build relation with them through email then you can boost your sales. Marketers take this issue very importantly and if many subscribers are in your list then more sponsors will be interested to work with you. 
  11. Tagline - This is optional but sometime become handy. From tagline Marketer will understand about your Blog niche and particular categories. Relevant brand sponsor will count tagline information positively. 
  12. Testimonials and Previous Works – Here is a great opportunity to show up your previous work and testimonial. You must add your previous brands logo as well as critical case study from your previous work that shows the results of that previous campaign, such as, how many giveaway entries and click-throughs were received).
  13. Partnership Opportunities – In this section you can add your services you offer and other information for partnering, such as sponsored posts, product review, advertisement opportunities, Advertising Rates, Social media marketing, affiliate marketing etc. After getting your partnership info marketer can easily reach out to you. 

I hope you are now clear that what to include in your Media Kit template. But you should know how to design a perfect media kit template for your marketer or sponsors. 

How to Design a Media Kit Template? (Step-by-step guideline)

There are many template designers can design your media kit template in competitive price. Price range would be $20 to $60. It’s expensive for a new blogger, so I’ll teach you how to create your own Media kit template free of cost and without spending a single penny.

Many of us think that for creating Media kit template we have to use PhotoShop and other advance software but trust me you can make a Professional, stylish and Modern Media kit template free of cost by using Microsoft Word. And it will take less than 1 hour to complete the design. You might think I’m joking. I’m taking seriously, just go through the below step-by-step guideline to design your own Media kit template. Let’s do this!

Step #1: Open Microsoft Word and save the file first by giving a name e.g. Media kit 

Step #2: Before start the design we have to set the margin. Go to Page Layout Click Margins and select Custom Margins. Now Page Setup window will Popup and ask you for adjust the Margins. Enter 0 for ‘Top’, ‘Bottom’, ‘Left’, ‘Right, and ‘Gutter’. Click ‘ok’ button. That way can remove all white space from your Media kit template. 

setup margin in microsoft word
Setting up the Margin in Microsoft Word

Step #3: Go to ‘Insert’ and select ‘Shapes’, and select ‘Rectangle’ shape and draw the shape. And right click on shape’s border and select ‘Format Auto_Shape…’. A window will popup, under Colors and Line tab select any color as ‘Fill’ color that matches your brand and white ‘Line’ color. 

learn how to design Mediakit template free of cost
Adding and Formatting Shape in Word for MediaKit tmeplate Header

Now right click on Shape and ‘Add Text’, so you can write text there. Simply write Blog name or your company name. 

Step #4: We will create an ‘About us’ section with image on left. Go to ‘Insert’ and ‘Text Box’, and click on the ‘Simple Text Box’ that appears. Inside your text box, enter your logo or your picture. 

add image and about me section in media kit template
Adding image and about me section in a Cloud on Media kit 

Now it’s time add your photo, it’s better to take a headshot and image should be use minimum 200px X 200px. Grab that photo and insert it into the text box. 

Step #5: Draw another new shape inside of the last Text box. Go to ‘Insert’ and select ‘Shapes’, and select ‘Cloud Callout’ shape, and place it on top of your current text box. Here you’re going to use this one to write “About Me” section. Take this opportunity to explain who you are and the motivation behind your blog.

Step #6: Similarly create another text box from ‘Insert’ option and place it under your ‘About Me’ box. In this box you can talk about your blog or include your popular topics, Services or anything else that highlights your blog and brand. 

how to add various text box and design in Media kit?
Adding Service Section in Media Kit design

And on the right side of the box use an attractive image related to your box headline. Create multiple sections according to your need and place them under the previous text boxes. 

Step #7: In template footer I have used another shape so go to ‘Insert’ and select ‘Shapes’, and select ‘Flowchart: Manual Input’ shape, after drawing the shape place it in footer section. And right click on shape’s border and select ‘Format Auto_Shape…’. From popup window select any color as ‘Fill’ color that matches Media kit header color and white ‘Line’ color. 

Step #8: In the footer shape we will add statistic about Blog page views and visitors. So head back over to your Google Analytics account to find out accurate pageviews and unique visitors (sessions) information. Include those on the bottom of your media kit inside couple of text box like before; so you can move them easily.

add flowchart and shape inside media kit template
Adding Shape for Blog and Social Media Statistics 

Step #9: Finally we’re going to add social media statistics. Go to each social media account and jot down the number of followers. And add each number to your media kit. You can also use social media icons, if you want to use icons then visit to grab free ones.

You are done. But another think you have to do that you should convert this MediaKit template into PDF version. Because pdf version is safe, there are not any chances to change your template font when marketer will see. You can use online PDF converter. 

How to Design a Wonderful Media Kit Quickly + Free Template

You have seen how easy to create Media Kit template without taking help of any template designer. You can create different style by following my tutorial and start reaching out to potential sponsors. If you have any question regarding this feel free to reach out to me. And don’t forget to download fully editable media kit template from HERE. Thank you.

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