Lock Or Unlock Widgets in Blogger Blog

How to Unlock or Lock Widgets in Blogger

If you ever used blogger template composing of some non removable widgets. In some templates many of the widgets are not necessarily removable and blog author remove that blogger template due to some locked widgets. So here I'll tell you how to take away locked widgets from blogger template or add locked widget to your blogger template. A lot of the blogger template developers prefer to add unlocked widgets and so can other can simply customize edit or remove widgets from the template. But some developers add locked widgets to their  blogger templates so that the people cannot easily remove it. So in this tutorial I will guide you in locking and unlocking any blogger widget. So lets start.

How to lock or unlock widgets in Blogger?

We can easily lock or unlock widgets in blogger using following steps.


Go to Blogger Website > Select Template Option


Now take Backup of your Template before making any changes in the blog.


Select Layout option > click on Header widget > you will see here the widget can be edit but can’t be removed.

Note down the widget id which needs to be unlocked.


Now go to Template option and click on Edit HTML button.


Select Jump to Widget option and select Header1 widget. You will see here the widget is locked (the locked property is set to true).

Just change locked property to false and click on Save Template button.


Now go to again Layout option > Click on Header widget > you will see here the widget is unlocked. Now you can remove this widget easily.

Note: The process will be same to lock the widget in blogger. Only locked property will be set to true.

Last Words:

That's a great tutorial for newbies to remove unnecessary widgets from their blogger blogs. Now It's your turn to share this post with your friends so that they also can enjoy it till then Happy Unlocking

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