7 powerful Hidden ways to improve successful E-commerce Strategy

7 Tips for Improving Your E-Commerce Strategy : Boost ROI

Many business owners find it difficult to reach the masses when selling e-commerce products online. Unfortunately, these restless product developers haven’t taken the time to put together a top-notch pricing and marketing strategy. Once they do, and combine it with a few other tips we’ll share today, they’ll have no trouble reaching the upper echelons of their niche. 

Running a successful e-commerce business is never easy in the beginning. It takes ambition, time, dedication, and a little bit of luck certainly won’t hurt. So, if you’re willing to take the necessary steps needed to take your e-commerce site to the next level, then you should have no problem following the strategy that will help skyrocket your e-commerce sales and turn your business into a major success. 

Are you ready to discover seven tips that could change your business forever? Let’s dive in and discover the e-commerce enlightenment right now. 

1. Give Customers the Ability to Write Product Reviews on Your E-Commerce Site 

For some reason, e-commerce business owners fail to recognize the value of giving customers the ability to write product reviews on their site. It’s no accident that Amazon, Walmart, Target, and other big retailers let customers write about their experiences with their products, whether it was positive or negative. 

Why let customers write reviews? Simply put, your customers are looking for information about products before they purchase them. They would love to know about the experiences other customers had with certain products. As an example, if your e-commerce site sells wrinkle creams, potential customers want to know if other buyers felt the cream was effective. If it’s a good product, you’ll make many more sales just from the social proof and other encouraging experiences from previous customers leaving positive reviews about the product. 

2. Simplify the Buying Process on Your E-Commerce Site 

Think about it this way. If you were to go to an online retailer to buy a new pair of shoes, as an example, and the checkout process took 15 minutes because you have to complete 20 steps in order to finish, it’s likely you’d never buy something from this website again. The checkout process is much too complicated, you’re busy, and there are other options available to use. 

If your e-commerce site currently suffers from a long and drawn out purchasing and checkout process, you have to correct this issue right away. Otherwise, your customers are going to click the back button and completely abandon the shopping cart on your e-commerce site without ever buying the products currently sitting in it. So step up, make the checkout process easier, and your sales will improve. 

3. Develop an Intelligent Pricing Strategy 

Pricing your product correctly could mean the difference between having success with your e-commerce site or massive failure. If you’ve priced your products wrong – by selling them for too much or too little – you’re going to limit your chances of achieving success in this business. 

We recommend using the website ExpertSure to perform price comparison research in your niche. If some sellers price your product higher than you’re currently selling it, you’re unfortunately leaving a lot of money on the table. On the flipside, if you’re selling your product at a much higher price than the rest of the market and it isn’t significantly better than anything currently available, your customers will gravitate toward the cheaper options and avoid buying your product altogether. 

Take time to thoroughly research your market. Check how other e-commerce sites are pricing similar products in your niche and follow the crowd. Otherwise you’ll have a tough time succeeding in this business. 

4. Begin a Content Marketing Campaign 

The best way to make more sales is to grow your audience. A simple solution to your current lack of customers is to begin a content marketing campaign. It’s a great way to find people looking for products and services like the ones you sell. This audience is big, hungry, and ready to buy your stuff as long as you can reach them. 

With content marketing, you can tell your customers about big sales you’re about to hold. You can introduce them to your products through a written review or video testimonial. Ultimately, focus on creating high-quality videos, written content, and infographics to spread the word about your products online. 

7 Tips for Improving Your E-Commerce Strategy in 2018

5. Use Social Media to Expand Your Reach 

Social media platforms are excellent tools e-commerce site owners can use to stay in touch with their customers. And if you haven’t done so already, it’s time to create a presence on certain social media sites. We highly recommend building a Facebook page for your fans, open up a Twitter account, and even start Pinterest and Instagram accounts. 

Why use social media? For starters, billions of people spend time on these websites every day. It’s a great way to post about discounts and sales, share pictures of your products, share important pictures and information about the company, and even share fun and cute personal pictures as well. Your audience wants to do business with companies they know, like, and trust, and social media is a simple way to make this happen. 

6. Make the Most of Email Marketing 

When customers buy something from your e-commerce site, you get their email to send them a receipt and tracking information, correct? What do you do with their email addresses after they buy your products? Do you ignore them or send them to a prewritten email sales funnel? 

If you answered yes to the second question, you’re definitely on the right track. If not, you have to begin marketing to your customers via email. Your business will explode and your e-commerce site will make tons of sales in the process. So take advantage of this opportunity now while the iron is hot and let your customers know about other products, specials, discounts, and anything else relevant to making bigger and better sales. 

7. How Are the Product Pictures on Your Website? 

Do your product pictures look absolutely amazing? Or do they look like a three-year-old took them using an old Polaroid camera? If your readers see crappy pictures on your website, they are going to assume you’re selling crappy products. You obviously want to avoid this at all costs. 

So, buy a decent camera or even use your iPhone or Samsung smartphone camera and take high quality pictures from multiple angles. Make sure the images are clear, bright, and attractive. If they are unclear, dull, and dreary, your customers will bounce from your site quicker than The Road Runner when he’s being chased by Wile E. Coyote in the old Looney Tunes cartoons. 

7 powerful Hidden ways to improve successful E-commerce Strategy
7 Tips for Improving Your E-Commerce Strategy in 2018


As you can see, you can take a number of effective steps to improve your e-commerce marketing strategy, either take a hard road and do it yourself, or take a high road and hire a technology marketing agency. It doesn’t take a genius to implement the suggestions we’ve shared today, so get off your butt and begin executing these strategies right away! 

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