Business ideas without investment in India | Top Business ideas without investment | Zero investment business in India 2018
Top Small Business Ideas in India - Today Technology have created lots of business opportunities for all smart and active peoples to begin a successful profitable business.
Lots of business like E-commerce, Social Media Services, Online Advertisement, Online Consultancy Farm, Online Educational Centre and many more options.
Now a days most of the young people are searching and asking What are the best small business ideas in India without investment they can go for.
Facebook initiated from Dorm room. Metallica began inside a garage. WhatsApp was made by those peoples are rejected by Facebook.
All the big brands like these had started from low budget and now they expanded their business through out the world and earning a lot money and respect too.
I have mention List of top business ideas without investment in India - 2018
1. Freelancer : Business ideas without investment
Now a days lots of website offering Freelancing jobs. If you have spare time and ability to work then join any of the most popular
- Upwork
- Elance
- Craiglist
- Guru
- 99Designs
Initially you should start bidding or requesting low budget projects to grow your reviews, ratings.
N.B: - In the next Post i will explain how to grow reviews, ratings and get project from freelancer and others Websites.
You will get works from those websites, complete it and start earning. This is one of the most successful business idea in India. Best business idea without Investment.
2. Social Media Advertiser: Business ideas without investment
Another and second best business idea without investment in India is Social Media advertisement. Its an easy and good revenue generating business in India. You should learn how to get traffic, how to get more viewers, how to attract peoples by your contents, how to place keywords, what would be the best keywords and few digital marketing procedure.
N.B: In next post i will explain clearly how to earn money from social media marketing.
Social Media Options
- Facebook Advertisement
- Google+
- Pingerist
and many more.
You should have searching and survey ability. Just look at the topic or matter what is running or may be attract peoples. Publish it on social media.
3. SEO & SMO Consultant : Business ideas without investment
Now a days SEO & SMO is the best business idea in India which is also without pay. Easy to learn. You can learn SEO & SMO from online, youtube tutorials. I have given reference link to learn SEO & SMO
4. Content Writer : Business ideas without investment
Content writing is now a days most popular business idea without investment in India 2018. If you are passionate about anything just write about it. You should have language efficiency and willing to learn new things. You can search from Google and also use idea from Youtube, several websites.
Go to websites like
- Upwork. Let me tell you one thing: finding best freelance website for writers is hard. ...
- Fiverr. Fiverr is best known as the biggest marketplace for freelancers. ...
- People Per Hour. ...
- Guru. ...
- iFreelance. ...
- TextBroker. ...
- Outsourcely. ...
- Problogger Job board
5. Online Product Re-selling : Business ideas without investment
Online Re-selling is also best business idea without investment in India 2018 You should find out few websites or reseller from your local area and contact with them that you will sale their products.
Take product details from them and publish ads on social media, various classified sites and collect orders from them and delivered them from local resellers.
Place where you can sale reselling products
and many more sites available in India.
6. Blogging : Business ideas without investment
Blogging is one of the best business ideas without investment in India.
Since the last decade, blogging has created a platform for people and businesses to share and spread knowledge and opinion through online contents and posts.
It has now become a profession that earns you both income and respect. If you go out on a survey today, you will find at least one blogger in every 10 people you come across.
More than that, you will find that every startup that has just began, is moderately successful or even well established, is a blogger. Blogging is considered a backbone for every successful business.
It has gained much popularity lately and has had crucial impacts on the worlds of politics, business, and society. People and businesses around the world are recognising the power of bloggers as online influencers.
Becoming a blogger is pretty easy, but keeping up with it requires sincere dedication and passion. There are numerous free guides available online that can help you create a blog within minutes.
To become a successful blogger, you need to
– Know your passion and choose the right niche. Just having a business idea is never enough. You need to be passionate about it and willing to take it to the distance. Pick the right niche for your blog that targets the right audience.
– Decide whether it is short term or long term. Never choose a niche that has no future existence or popularity. The niche you choose should be long-term and sustainable if you want to keep earning stable profits.
– Decide how to monetise your blog. Once you have created a blog, you need to decide which advertising program to sign up with to earn money.
– Stay up to date with the latest trends and information revolving around your business niche.
Let me take you through a brief run through of the types of blogs that you can choose to create.
These are blogs which post contents that are sharp and honest, whether in favour of the issue or against it. Rogues blogs attract attention of readers very easily, be it both good and bad.
A rogue blogger is never afraid to bend the rules and go critical against the topic. They take bold stances and put forward sharp cut reviews and opinions on trending hot issues. This quite evidently garners both admirers and haters.
In this is the type of blog you basically act as a host for publishing posts that mainly came from guest authors and you yourself don’t write too many posts for your blog.
What’s interesting is that your blog will regularly feature frequent posts from other guest authors and you as the creator and editor of the blog, can also regularly step in and write few posts of your own.
As you can roughly guess by its name, a Crash Test Dummy blog tests and reviews various techniques, tools and strategies. The next stage is that it shares what works and what doesn’t, so you can sensibly know what to implement and what to avoid.
A niche blog is a site that focuses on a narrow group of audiences and readers in a larger market with a common specific interest, which basically means that this kind of a website works best at targeting a specific section of the audience.
These kinds of websites are usually capable at attracting high website traffic as it can easily satisfy the visitors with one common and targeted interest.
This basically means that a niche blog works best when you are targeting a specific section of the audience as it lays their stress on only hyper-specific topics and issues rather than focusing on broader topics.
If you ask me to define the term “Giver blog”, then here is a brief description. A Giver blog simply gives away useful bonus content with every post for free. These are free bonuses are called “content upgrades” and are created for a specific blog post.
A giver blog is a great way to deliver more value to your audience and are given away in exchange for an email address.
There is really nothing to really explain about a guide blog. A Guide blog simply showcases posts and contents that help readers with their personal or professional lives. The most popular topics that bloggers utilise for a guide blog are topics like personal development, educational guidance, career
The most popular topics that bloggers utilise for a guide blog are topics like personal development, educational guidance, career counselling, life coaching and so on.
Any kind of blog that showcases content of over 2,500+ words falls under the category of a “Homer” blog. A Homer blog can focus on anything starting from Fashion & lifestyle, health & fitness, Spirituality, Step by step guides, Educational coaching, and so on.
Creating contents for such blogs often requires excessive brain storming and research to deliver effective and observable results. What you are reading RIGHT NOW is a Homer blog.
A Tell-All blog frequently showcases posts that feature exciting and new facts and details for its readers. The contents have highly valuable information/lessons learned.
This is the best place for experienced bloggers who have explored, experimented and have massive expertise in that topic.
The bloggers need to dig deep into what they explore and come out with fascinating facts and experiences for their readers.
Personal Brand blogs are ideal for those people who are seeking to position themselves as experts or masters in a particular business.
This is the perfect type of blog when you are building a brand. This type of blogs majorly helps in personality development and portraying it as a cornerstone of the blog you are building.
A personal brand blog primarily portrays you as the creator and mega-mind behind the blog and always tends to showcase your name and face all over the home page.
Last but not the least is the “Enterprise blog”. As you can easily guess from its name, an enterprise blog is a blog built for a company or organisation rather than an individual.
Typically, a team of writers create content for this blog that is relevant and valuable to the section of audiences that the particular company is targeting to dish out their sales.
This way, the content and the blog is successful at attracting those potential customers to the website, where they can learn more about the company’s products and services.
7. App Publish : Business ideas without investment
App publishing in one of the latest business ideas in India. Yes its not free though it could be done at free or with a small investment.
Tricks & Procedure:
Choose few popular Youtube videos or Channel and Embed their videos at your app and publish this app in Google App Store.
Yes you must worried about Legality but its legal as you are not copping his/her videos or contents you are just using their videos or you are just embedding their videos to you app and you are earning from Adsense using your skills. Yes here you both will get profit. They will get more views more traffic and you will get more visitors to your app as they are searching by lots of peoples.
Costing for this:
One Time Play Store Account Creation Cost = $15 i.e Approx INR. 1500/-
App Creation = Per App = 2000 - 5000 /-
You need to create at-least 5 app to get more revenue. and it would be the best option.
So costing for 5 app will be Rs. 2000* 5 = Rs. 10,000/-
I am giving reference no for app creation they will create at very low cost. Ph or WhatsApp = 9123355250 (WhatsApp)
8. Tour & Travel Guide & Planner : Business ideas without investment in India
This is the biggest and most popular business idea without investment in India. Now a days lots of peoples used to travel. Frequently peoples travelling. What you need to do just tie-up with any of the Popular Travel agencies, collect idea and everything about tour plans and start publishing their package from your end at social media, classified sites, sms, email and many more. You will get up to 15% commission on each booking that is good money without investment. Trust me if you have good convincing skills then you can earn up to Rs. 50,000/- per months easily.
9. Online Meal order service : Business ideas without investment
This is also a biggest option to earn smart money. Yes it not free totally but yes you can earn much more from this business idea in India.
- Develop an App / Website from any developer. It would cost around Rs.15,000/-
For app / Website at lowest budget I am giving reference no for app creation they will create at very low cost. Ph or WhatsApp = 9123355250 (WhatsApp)
- Talk with your nearest restaurant and ask their menu cards.
- Print you own menu card from market. It will Cost around Rs. 1000/-
- Give / Distribute your menu card to your nearest apartment, complex, flats or houses and request them to order through your website or app.
- You need to discussed with restaurant owner about your commission.
- Start taking orders and earn money.
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