Sale website on Flippa best business ideas without investment 2019

Sale your website on and make money up to $1000 per months. Best business ideas without investment 2019

Sale your website on and make money up to $1000 per months. Best business ideas without investment 2019

Hello friend today i am gonna discuss best business ideas without investment 2019. I will explain each and every points how you can sale website on how you can make money from
Flippa is an online marketplace for buying and selling websites. Where you can easily sale your website or can make profitable websites.

Topic : Sale website on : best business ideas without investment 2019

If you are a developer and have good knowledge about design and development then it could be best business ideas without investment for you. Just should have knowledge how to develop creative websites using any language php, java, wordpress whatever you know.

Best Tips:

  • Select a good topic you are passionate about. You need to be passionate about the subject you are focusing on. If you launch a website about something that you don't care about, you will lose interest very quickly and inevitably stop working on it. So be passionate and selective while you are going to start. 
  • Think about long-term business model. To make you website successful you should do a lot of research on it before starting it. For survey and research you need to solve these questions. 
  1.  You competitors
  2. How do your competitors making money?
  3. How will your website make money?
  4. How can you make your website stand out from others?
  5. How long will it take to monetise your website?
  6. What are the advantages user will get from your website?
  7. How user friendly your website?
  • Choose a domain name that is relevant to your topic and appeals to your targeted audience. A good domain name is an essential part of branding you website. Choose .com or .in as your extension because it looks more professional. 
  • Choose a reliable paid host like Hostitsmart, hostgator, bluehost, or anyone that might suite your needs. 
  • You need to make website's design and layout look very professional. Believe it or not but first time visitors will make judgement about your website within first 10 seconds of loading. so you need to make sure that your website design appeals to them and they like it. 

How to monetise:

  • Sing up and register your website on Flippa works on bidding model, the highest bidder gets the ownership of the website. 
  • Set the bid price of your website 10 times greater than the current monthly income of your site. For example, if your site is earning $100 per month then you can set the basic selling price of your website to at least $1000. 
  • Start the auction and wait for bids. People will start bidding for purchasing your site. Once you receive the bid that suite you and satisfy your target selling price, then finalise the deal with the bidder.
  • Flippa will manage all the payment and other technical stuff for you and you will receive payment via selected payment method. 
So this is how you can make money by selling your website on This would really gonna work for you and this is one of the best business ideas without investment 2019
So if you like this article please make a comments, and share with your friends. 

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Sale website on Flippa best business ideas without investment 2019

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