8 Best In-Text Ad Networks for Blog Monetization

It goes without say that all Blogger wants to make money from their blog through active and passive way. So they adopt different income generation strategies after creating a blog. 

The most popular ways to make money from your blog is monetizing blog with ads network. There are different types of ad platform are widely used for making money. 

  1. Display ads
  2. In-Text ads 

Along with display ad platform In-text advertisements would be another excellent way to make extra money online. 

For monetization if you place excessive display ad or banner ad then your site will become slower to load. Those who don’t want to compromise with website loading speed they prefer text link base ads. 

'Text link Ads' doesn't affect website loading time and it also doesn't occupy spaces on your blog site. Rather you can monetize within your blog content. 

Generally in-text advertisement will convert keywords within your content into link ads. Another positive thing about in-text ads, it can easily blend with any blog layout and don’t hurt website SEO. 

Moreover, it is not annoying for your blog readers. And you can use other ads network with in-text ads to boost your blog income. Especially in-text ads are compatible with Adsense, so you can use it along with Adsense. 

8 Best In-Text Ad Network for Blog Monetization

There are many in-text link base ad networks are operating but among them I am showcasing 8 best text link base ad networks that will help you to monetize your blog and generate higher income. 

What is In-Text Advertising? 

In-text advertising is a type of contextual advertisement where advertiser converts text into ad URL that matched with specific keywords or related information units. 

Advertiser place a JavaScript into publisher website and that script searches for related keywords in blog content. After detecting relevant advertisement keyword it creates a hyperlink on that keyword and when a visitor clicks on that link it sends visitors from publisher site to advertiser website. 

Different In-Text ad network show different ad formats but most commonly when visitors point mouse pointer to text then it show small pop-up ad for that keyword. When they click on that ad publisher generate income. However it does not distract the visitors from publisher’s website. 

List of Top 8 Best In-text Ad Networks 

Many blogger are using in-text ads as a major source of income. Most of ad networks are based on Pay Per Click (PPC), so publishers are getting paid for every single click. Most of the ads display as contextual form, so there are a good chance to get more click and make more money. Many publisher preferred In-text ads when they do not get Adsense approval

To monetize your blog with appropriate in-text advertisement we have listed 8 best legit ad networks that really help you to make money. 

Let’s get started. 

1. Infolinks – #1 In-Text Ad Network 

Infolinks is in leading position among all in-text Ad Networks. This ad network enables publishers to monetize their website to the optimum level. And publisher can generate revenue equals to AdSense user. 

Publisher generates from $7 to $17 from Infolinks in-text CPM based Ads. This ad network is ideal for website or blog with long contents, because it converts keywords into ad link. Most of the long articles contain many short and long tail keywords and infolinks easily target and detect those keywords to turn them into ads. 

Infolinks – #1 In-Text Ad Network

They don’t have minimum traffic requirement for publishers. Infolinks works with many popular advertisers like 
And so on. 

However, they have multiple ad options for boost your earnings. 

  • InText – Use keywords to turn into ads 
  • InFold – This ad unit display in the middle, left or right side of your website. 
  • InTag – This ad unit display as a tag at the top or bottom of your blog content. 
  • InFrame – This ad unit display as 2 vertical ad banner on left and right side of your blog. 
  • InArticle - automatically placed ads between the different articles on your website or blog. 

You can use this ad network with Google Adsense. People are using infolinks for its good features, like 
  • It takes few minutes to sign-up. 
  • Publisher can generate more revenue from their blog. 
  • Ad code integration process is very easy. 
  • Infolinks plugin support Blogger, Joomla, Drupal and Wordpress Platform. 
  • Its new technology helps to get more clicks. 
  • They use In3 Technology for increasing the ad revenue. 
  • Infolinks ads are mobile friendly and optimized for mobile traffic. 
  • They provide superb customer support to their Publisher and Advertiser. 
Quick fact about Infolinks: 
  • Company Name: Infolinks 
  • Country: United States 
  • Commission Type: CPC, CPM, IN-text 
  • Payment Frequency: NET45 
  • Minimum Payment: $50 
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Payoneer, Cheque, Wire Transfer 

2. Skimlinks 

Skimlinks is another popular CPC based in-text ad network launched in November 2008. After Infolinks they become world’s leading text based ad network. This popular in-text ad network engaged in creating innovating advertising solutions for online publishers. 

Over 1 million top publishers are earning standard amount of money from their content in a seamless and straightforward way. 

Its automated revenue stream doesn’t require any additional advertising space. And their integration process is very flexible, any new publisher can easily deploy and customize ad according to their needs. 

Skimlinks ad network

Publisher has full control over the ad unit and can decide how links would be formatted. For example: 

An ad showing from https://spectrumhealthcare.com/SAIPC and you would like to convert the ad URL that matched with your blog color scheme; you can do it on skimlinks. 

Quick fact about Skimlinks: 
  • Company Name: Skimlinks 
  • Country: United Kingdom 
  • Commission Type: CPC, IN-text 
  • Payment Frequency: NET90 
  • Minimum Payment: $10 
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Cheque, Wire Transfer 

3. Sovrn — Powering Content-Driven Commerce 

Sovrn formerly known as VigLink come up with new idea and advertisement concept to the In-Text ads industry by offering affiliate earning with your In-Text ads. 

This means through links ads it will display affiliate links across all pages on your website or blog. When visitors click on advertisement and land to advertiser page and buy something on that website then you will earn commissions. This means you have unlimited opportunity to earn good amount with each affiliate sales. 

Sovrn is one of the biggest ad networks of its brand. Over 300,000 websites monetized their blog with Sovrn and working with over 35,000 merchants driving sales. 

After integrating their ad script it will automatically monetize your blog by linking most relevant products, merchants, and brands. And the Sovrn helps eligible links to go with highest bidding advertiser. 

Sovrn — Powering Content-Driven Commerce

Sovrn Spotlight feature included context-aware, custom-designed, fully-monetized product widgets that helps more user engagement and boost ad revenue. 

Even if you post their link to your social media sites like Twitter, Facebook or send link thorough email campaign Sovrn will allow you to receive commission for each sale. You can generate URL with Sovrn and share anywhere to make sale. When social media visitors and email subscriber are click on your link and turn that click into a successful purchase then you will receive commission. 

In addition, Sovrn offers a suite of APIs and customization options to integrate link directly into your app. 

Quick fact about Sovrn: 
  • Company Name: Sovrn (VigLink) 
  • Country: United States 
  • Commission Type: CPC, IN-text 
  • Payment Method: PayPal 
  • Minimum Payment: $10 
  • Payment Frequency: NET60 

4. LinkWorth - Search Engine Marketing and Text Link Advertising 

LinkWorth is a unique in-text ad network, because they provide static html links that can drive targeted traffic and help to increase your link popularity which is a top factor in organic search engine rankings. This is most innovative marketing portals that accommodate to both Advertisers and Publishers. 

LinkWorth - Search Engine Marketing and Text Link Advertising

This ad network will allows you to rent specific keyword which will help you to make fix earning per month for rented keyword link. But you can rent more than one keywords on your website by which you can make unlimited earning. On a flat rate their pricing algorithm factors evaluate traffic, theme, ad position, and link popularity. 

LinkWorth features 
  • LinkAds - Text Link Ads 
  • LinkBB - Hosted Content Ads 
  • LinkBanner - Banner Ads 
  • LinkPost - Paid Blog Reviews 
  • LinkInTxt - In-Text Ads 
  • LinkMura - Multi-URL Rotating Ads 
  • LinkDir - Directory Submission 
and many more. 

You can also use their 3 types of referrals program to make extra money. 

  • Partner Referrals 
  • Advertiser Referrals 
  • Combo Referrals 
Quick fact about LinkWorth: 
  • Company Name: LinkWorth 
  • Country: United States 
  • Commission Type: CPC, CPA, PPC, In-text, 
  • Payment Frequency: NET20 
  • Minimum Payment: $25 Pay Per Post 
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Cheque, Wire Transfer 

5. Vibrant Media 

VibrantMedia is another very popular leading contextual ad network. It has over 6000 advertising partner. It serves hundreds of popular advertisement brand. 

It shows ad link within keywords and when visitors move the mouse pointer over targeted keywords then popup ads become visible. If visitors click on ads then you will generate income. It line up numerous keywords through related information, advertiser sites, videos, and advertisements. 

Vibrant Media

This ad network can be considered as best in-text based advertising program. They share thirty-five percent (35%) of Net Revenue with publisher that received by Vibrant each calendar month. 

This is relatively tough to get approval from VibrantMedia but many blogger are using this ad network to monetize their blog. 

It has 3 types of products for website monetization 
  1. InText / InView 
  2. InImage 
  3. Outstream 
This ad network display ads through 
  • Vibrant InArticle – Display ad URL within blog content. 
  • Vibrant InImage – Display ads overlay of your ad image. 

However, publisher will get full control over ad units including: 
  • Publisher can select and block specific sections, pages, and content areas 
  • Most relevant keywords can be targeted. 
  • You can avoid monetizing inappropriate content. 
  • User can accept or reject specific advertisements or categories. 
  • You can set maximum number of links/ads per page. 
  • You can customize the look and feel of In-Text hyperlink 
  • Publisher can see transparent report from dashboard 
  • You can also block certain advertisers. 
Quick fact about VibrantMedia: 

  • Company Name: VibrantMedia 
  • Country: United States 
  • Commission Type: CPC, CPM, In-text 
  • Payment Frequency: NET30 
  • Minimum Payment: $50 
  • Payment Method: Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard, Paypal, Bank wire and ACH. 

6. MageNet 

MageNet is most reliable in-text ad network working in the advertisement industry since 2003. They deliver unique and engaging brand experiences to over 30 thousand publishers. Ad integration process will take a minute, because just you have to follow "copy-paste" method. 

It enhances consumer experience through superior phrase relevance. It helps to increase user interaction and provide unparalleled campaign performance for advertisers. They are unobtrusive and not annoying to your visitors. US based website can generate steady revenue every month that doesn't fluctuate. 

MageNet is most reliable in-text ad network

Publishers get substantial revenue from MageNet. This also is a very good option for monetize your blog beside of other ad network. You can earn money from their websites and affiliate program that ensure to make highest revenue. 

Features of MageNet 

  • Easy registration and integration process 
  • Large number of advertisers joined in this ad network 
  • The negotiate with the advertisers for the profitable deals; 
  • Website Monetization Plugin will monetize your blog automatically 
  • Publisher has control to set either own ad prices or agree to their recommended prices. 
  • You’ll receive all payments automatically through your selected payout method. 
Quick fact about MageNet: 
  • Company Name: MageNet 
  • Country: United States 
  • Payment Frequency: NET30 
  • Minimum Payment: $50 
  • Payment Method: PayPal 

7. Affinity 

Affinity is another popular world’s leading contextual ad network in-text ad network founded in 2006. At present over 10,000 premium publishers are using Affinity to make money online. 

Its innovative advertising media and monetization solutions help both Advertisers and Publishers to get benefited from each other. 


They deliver over 50 Billion ad impressions each month via Global Pay-Per-Click (PPC) and Display Advertising Networks. By ad delivering both of these networks help over 100k Advertisers reach out to their target audience. This is achieved through exclusive contextual ad distribution 

It has 3 types of PPC ad feed to monetize your website and application. 

Pay Per Click 
  • In-Search 
  • In-Content 
  • In-Domain 
  • In-Footer 
  • In-Margin 
  • In-Page 
  • M-Footer 
  • M-Page 
You can easily customize ads for better optimization and simply integrate in your blog. It provides a exceptional combination of innovative ad placements and premium user quality necessary to kick off positive conversations with your brand. 

Quick fact about Affinity: 

  • Company Name: Affinity 
  • Country: United States 
  • Commission Type: CPC, IN-text, Search 
  • Payment Frequency: NET45 
  • Minimum Payment: $50 
  • Payment Method: PayPal and Wire Transfer 

8. Kontextua - in-Text, in-Image and display Ads. 

Kontextua is the leading Argentinian in-text based ad network. This ad network is suitable for Latin American audience. 

Kontextua - in-Text, in-Image and display Ads.

At present over 20k publishers are using this ad network to monetize their blog and generating ad revenue. 

Kontextua has different ad formats like 
  • In-Text 
  • In-Image 
  • In-footer 
  • Slider 
  • Display 
  • Related Tag 
  • Elevator 
and more! Even you can customize their ads to maximize your ad performance and boost income. 

Kontextua is compatible with any other ad platforms and networks, so you can expand your monetization choices without hassle. 

Quick fact about Kontextua: 
  • Company Name: Kontextua 
  • Country: Argentina 
  • Commission Type: CPC, CPM, POP, IN-text, 
  • Payment Frequency: NET45 
  • Minimum Payment: No Minimum 
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Payoneer, Wire Transfer 

Over to You 

We hope that this in-text ad network list will provides you a good opportunity to select appropriate ad network to monetize your blog. 

You can make money with all ad networks but it completely depends on your blog traffic locations. If your blog’s majority of traffic comes from USA then you can make good amount of money from any ad network. Comparatively Asian country’s traffic can generate less revenue from PPC. 

To get the best result continuously use different ad network and diversify your income streams. But the decision is over to you, which one you will use to monetonize your blog you should analyze by yourself. 

If you are using Google AdSense then to generate extra income you can use any of those in-text ad networks with Google Adsense. 

Let me know which ones is your favorite in-text ad network? And which one you are planning to use in your website?

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