You have created a fantastic website, monetized it and placed some affiliate links in strategic places but now what? All of this is necessary and good however, you need one very important ingredient to finally see some profit, that ingredient is traffic.
Here are the top ten ways to increase website traffic through social networking.- Content is King- You need to create fresh engaging content in order to draw people to your website through engaging headlines and posts from your social media accounts to your website.
- Social Sites- Sign up for an account with the major social sites on the web. These include but are not limited to Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn and Flickr. Once you have created a nice profile you will need to fill these spaces with content, comments, images and most importantly friends.
These do not have to be people you know offline, in fact, you want to target people who share similar interests and ideas as you regardless of where you live. Relationships are the key to making social media work. So you need to spend time posting, commenting and even sharing your friend's links to the world.
- Video - Video is very popular with the online crowd and if you want to advertise your website or products this is how to increase website traffic. Create a catchy yet professional video that highlights your site. The video should be either informative or entertaining whichever will relate the best to your products or service. You can then submit your video to the many video sharing sites online such as YouTube.
- Images- Pictures are nearly as popular as video plus search engines like Google will track these just as much as content. Upload some of your favorite images to sites like Flickr and photo bucket. Remember to tag your images appropriately with keywords that will help you rank in the search engines better. Remember to link them back to your site as well.
- Blogs- If you have a website you are trying to promote, other blogs can be a useful tool. Visit other blogs and leave comments or exchange links. When you leave comments on other blogs remember to include a link back to your blog.
One word of caution, you must add something to the blog you are commenting on, if you post one or two words and then your link or worse yet post no comment at all and just place a link to your site which is irrelevant to the blog you are posting on you run the risk of spamming. This is a big no-no when it comes to navigating the online world.
- Network with Others- You can have a membership with every social networking site on the web but that alone will not increase your website traffic. It is important that you add friends and then spend some time interacting with them. Comment, post, share links and information with your friends and followers lists. This will increase your popularity and the likelihood that your friends and followers will reciprocate and visit your site.
- Profile- Your online profiles are ways that others get to know you. Work on your profile, include your brand logo and make it interesting and informative. There are many ways you can market your profile, adding color, designs, video and music are just a few common methods.
- Bulletins and Notes- Facebook and MySpace have built in bulletin or notes features. With these feature, you can send out a message to all your friends on the site in one fell swoop.
Used correctly a bulletin can help you drum up more traffic to your website. Some over eager bloggers tend to overuse this tool, sending out bulletins every day or so, which usually gets them deleted from a number of friend's lists. Keep it simple, to the point and most of all do not use more than a couple of times per month.
- Art- If you are the creative type you can create fun clipart or images and post them to your social networking sites. Not only will this increase interest you can also offer them as free downloads to your friends or visitors to your web site and blog. There are several ways you can use freebies like this to drive traffic.
- Press Releases- When you want to gain a lot of exposure and traffic for your blog a press release is an effective tool. Create several different press releases about your product and remember to keyword optimize the release. If you do this effectively, you will increase traffic and get several backlinks to your site, which of course helps with page ranking and search engine results.
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