What is Backlink Function ??

What is Backlink Function - Backlink Definition - How to get backlink - Talk about SEO certainly will not forget about backlinks. The sentence may be familiar to the ear or frequent, found in various articles. Now the question is, do you understand that sentence?

What is a Backlink?

Backlink is a trade-off relationship between the sites, the relationship is in the form of the name of the site address. A website address contained in the site B, and otherwise.

Backlink benefits

If you understand all SEO issues, have ensured that his name is definitely important backlinks really useful. Backlink benefits include :
  1. Can increase the PageRank.
  2. The site became more popular in the Search Engine.
  3. Increased visitor traffic.

Seen from above 3 benefits we can definitely find it nearly as important as whether the backlink.

How to get backlinks?

This is the most important points, namely how to get Backlink.Ada variety of ways that we get a backlink, among others :

  1. Each of us write articles, do not forget we add the name of our website in the article.
  2. Active in various online discussion forums and include a signature, ie we write the address of the site.
  3. Link exchange

Now the question, whether we are so well-known sites and get a high pagerank if we do like the way the above? answer, of course not. Why is that, because there are separate rules for it.

If you want to increase Pagerank :

Exchanging links with similar themes, such as themed SEO your site, so bertukarlah with a similar theme and put our site on a site that has a higher pagerank.

If you want popular search engines and often get a top position in the search:

Do a link exchange as much as possible, both among sites similar or not similar theme with our site.

But from a variety of ways to get backlinks as above, the best way is the natural way, i.e as described in # 1,
Each of us write articles, do not forget we add the name of our website in the article. This highly effective way to get backlinks from different sites. for it frequently write quality articles and do not forget to include your website address on it.

Now you've known what the common function of backlink, so it's your choice to make your website traffic flow, and also you can earn some money from there.

backlink http://thousand-tips.blogspot.com


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