Make Your Blog DoFollow

How to make your blog dofollow - How to make dofollow blog - What is dofollow - what is benetif of dofollow blog - SEO Tips - Welcome to the blogger world. This time I'll try to share ways to make your blog a dofollow blog. I've heard that make your blogs dofollow can increase traffic and Pagerank. Have a read !! Z6CSQFDTNXW4
dofollow blogs
Dofollow Pic
What is the use dofollow?
The Meaning Of Dofollow Blog is a "follow", so it can be dofollow mean that if someone were to comment on blogs that "dofollow" to fill the website with the address of the website or weblog commentator, then blog dofollow will be calculated as Google backlinks to a website or weblog commentators. For example if you commented on this article post a comment form to include your website url or weblog
Thus, by entering your website address, so when Google detects your blog automatically google will also check all the links contained on your blog and count all the links leading to your blog. Thus a dofollow blog comments that you provide will be counted. The more links a blog embedded collected by Google, the better the popularity of the blog. This is what is called backlinks.

Benefits for Dofollow Blog Commentator.
You leave a comment with good quality and relevant (Not Spam) to what is discussed on the blog post, then most likely your comments will be approved by the blog owner to share creativity, might even return visit by the blog owner to share creativity , even to follow your blog, it will be clear that free traffic to your blog. Back again to the problem dofollow, with a well commented and eventually your comment approved by the blog owner then you will be really helpful to get a free backlink and this is good according to google. Because google will note that these blogs provide a backlink to websie or your weblog. As I explained above.

What Benefits for Admin Blog Dofollow?
For the owner of the website or weblog is very little profit. Among them only so that any visitors to comment on his blog. That's it, and even in the eyes of google blog dofollow will be dropped in Page Rank, as there are many links that lead to the outside, including to that comment. So the benefits to sipemilik dofollow blog just so "so visitors would not comment." But, that does not mean it's definitely blog dofollow page rank is low, many blogs that dofollow page rank it is almost perfect. And it must be done by the masters of SEO that really should familiarize yourself with things like this. And like me who do not want to miss new participation into a Dofollow blog, though relatively new, but I'm sure I can! How about you?

Here is how to make your blogs DOFOLLOW :

Self-Hosted WordPress Blogs

For self-hosted WordPress users, it is pretty easy. Simply go to your Dashboard > Plugins > Add New and search for DoFollow. You should receive a list of current DoFollow plugins that you can simply install and activate. Once activated, these plugins automatically make all of the commenters’ links (past and future) DoFollow.

Blogger / Blogspot Blogs

For Blogger / Blogspot blogs, you will need to do a few things. First, under settings, allow Anonymous users to comment. This is the only way your commenters will have the Name / URL option. Then, go to your Layout tab ; Edit HTML. From here, you will need to Download Full Template, which will be an XML file.

Open the XML file in a text editor. Just in case there are any problems, first save a backup copy of your template. Then do a search for nofollow. You will find two lines that will simply need the rel=’nofollow’ removed from the code – one for the commenter’s URL, and one for backlinks.

expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'>
expr:href='data:backlink.url' rel='nofollow'>

Save your template xml, and then upload it. Now your Blogger / Blogspot should be free of nofollow links.

Enough. Please have a comment below if you have any question. Hopely useful.


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