How to use REFREF?

As we know in past , famous Hacktivist group Anonymous carried out series Of DDOS attack in number of websites like paypal ,master-card ,visa. At that time they used tool LOIC for down the website.

Although they got success in their project ,but due to LOIC some of hackers arrested later. So they decide to build new weapon for DOS attack.

It was REFREF. It is programmed in perl ,java ,python.But main requirement is URL must be vulnerable to SQL injection. It mean if you found website which is vulnerable to SQL injection , then by using this tool you can easily down website.

You can Download REFREF SCRIPT from here.

How to use?

It`s pretty simple. Just open terminal change path & Execute script.

cd Downloads

perl vulnerable URL

It will down website in short time. This tools is very effective , 17 second attacks from single machine resulting down 42 min outage on pastebin.

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