Tabnabbing Tutorial

Tabnabbing is a computer exploit and phishing attack, which persuades users to submit their login details and passwords to popular websites by impersonating those sites and convincing the user that the site is genuine.The attack takes advantage of user trust and inattention to detail in regard to tabs, and the ability of modern web pages to rewrite tabs and their contents a long time after the page is loaded. Tabnabbing operates in reverse of most phishing attacks in that it doesn’t ask users to click on an obfuscated link but instead loads a fake page in one of the open tabs in your browser

We cover two methods of tabnabbing.


(2)With the help of S.E.T.

Tab-nabbing with help of S.E.T?

(1)Open S.E.T.(you can find how to install & configure set here?)

(2)Select option 1 which is Social-Engineering Attacks.

(3)Select option 2 which is Website Attack Vectors.

(4)Now option-4 which is tabnabbing attack method

(5)Select site cloner.

(6)Enter URL OF site. (For example if you want to hack gmail account of victim ,then type

(7)Send link of your I.P. To victim via mail or chat.(You can also spoofemail. See here.)

(8)As soon as he open tab , he found message that “please wait while site is loading.”

(9)when victim change tab, it redirect him to your phishing page.

In next tutorial we will see manual method of tab-nabbing. Because if you have dynamic I.p than this method is not so useful, because as soon as your I.p. Change , listener of S.E.T. Is stopped. So you cannot get password of victim.

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