Comment Plugin: Integrate CommentLuv Commenting system on Blogger

Google Comment

The most popular third party commenting system is commentLuv. Where by using this most of the blogger can easily build their loyal readers rapidly. Google blog user knows that it’s default comment system is not very good and visitors don’t feel interest to leave comment there. Most of the cases readers find that leaving comment on Blogger default comment box is useless unless to make any important query about unique concept. So readers and commentator always want some reward in exchange of their comments. It may be Backlinks or traffic.

Surprisingly by using commentLuv in Google blogger you can easily build your traffic rapidly because it give your readers an incentive for their comments. Because readers can leave comment and their blog’s latest post link will appear in commentLuv enable comment box. As a result if other readers visit your site and see the links on comment section then they may feel interest to visit your commentator’s blog.

It doesn’t mean that your traffics are diverting rather your readers circle size will increase rapidly. However if you want to see huge comment with heavy traffic then you should enable commentLuv on your Blog. Though commentLuv especially popular on WordPress Blog but not widely used on Google Blogger Platform. But we can take the advantage of using this commenting system to get back on right track.

Before proceed to the tutorial you have to remember that commentLuv is only a Plugin can’t work singly. So for integrating commentLuv commenting system we have to add a third party commenting system called Intensedebate. So just follow the below steps to integrate commentLuv plugin through Intensedebate-

Registering with Intensedebate and activate your account

In the first phase of the tutorial we will register with Intensedebate and activate our account through email verification.

Step 1 Go to Sign Up there

sign up

Step 2 Now fill up the registration form and click on Radio button beside I want to install Intense Debate on my blog or website And press the Sign up button.

Step 3 An Email will be sent to your mail address for account verification. So check the mail and click on Verification link. It will redirect you to intensedebate site .Your Registration with intensedebate will complete now and login to your Intensedebate account.

email verification

Step 4 Now click on Continue with Your Installation  


Step 5  And write your Blog or website URL and press the Next Step button.

specify URL

Step 6 In this time choose your platform to continue. I have chosen Blogger. And you would be headed to 3rd step to Install the IntenseDebate comments


Step 7 Here you would find Instruction to get the backup file of your current Blogger Template

Take Backup of your current Blogger Template

In this segment we will take backup of our current blogger template and we will take the source code.
Step 1 Sign in to your Blogger account and go to Blogger Dashboard
Step 2 Under Dashboard click on Template ->Backup/Restore ->Download Full Template
Your template will download on your computer.

Integrating CommentLuv with Blogger Template

Step 1 Now get back to step 7 under Registering with Intensedebate and activate your account Part where you would see Browse/Choose File option under 5 number option.

upload xml file

Step 2 Click on Browse button and select your Blogger template Backup file which you have just Downloaded in your computer. And click on Upload file and continue button.

Step 3 Now it will give you the template code with integrated Intensedebate commenting system. And copy the whole code and get back to your Blogger Dashboard.

source code

Step 4 From Dashboard go to Template ->Edit HTML and replace your older code with New code which you have copied in Step 3 and Save the template.

edit HTML

Step 5 Now again return to the step 3 and click on configure this InteseDebate account. 

comment layout

Step 6 And it will directed to InteseDebate Plugins page and from there click on Plugins button for top left sidebar of the page.


Step 7 Scroll Download on the page and find the CommentLuv. Now simply click on Activate button for enabling CommentLuv plugin in InteseDebate commenting system. 

activate plugin

Congratulation you have successfully integrated commentLuv commenting system. Hope this tutorial helped you to install CommentLuv Plugin on your Blogger template easily which will help you to get more comments. If you have any query then feel free to leave a comment below.

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