How to activate Mobile Version of your current Template for Smartphone?

responsive mobile template

This is new era of Blogging now more than 25% visitors are coming from ipad, palm tab and smartphone device and the number of user increasing day by day. So we should think about traffic or visitors from mobile device user. There are many webmaster start using responsive template for their better view in all device. And obviously responsive template has brought revolutionary user experience for users but still there are huge template which is not responsive but using by many popular webmaster. If you want to target visitors from Mobile device users then you don’t have to use responsive template. Because by default Google Blogger will provide mobile template for your blog. And we can simply activate Mobile Version of our current Template for Smartphone. Just follow the below steps for activation.

Step 1 Go to login page and Sign in to your account.

Step 2 From Blogger Dashboard Click on Template

Step 3 Click on Gear Icon underneath the mobile template preview


Step 4 Now select any option among two from popup window

  • Yes, Show mobile template on mobile devices
  • No, show desktop template on mobile devices
Step 5 Now choose mobile template-> Default 

There are 7 different template available for mobile device but if custom mobile template included on template then it will display 8 template with custom option.

select mobile theme

You can customize your mobile template or you can use default template. In case of responsive template user will see extra template name Custom so select Custom Template.

Step 6 You can see the Demo of mobile template by clicking on Preview Button. After selecting the desired one click on Save button.


I have tested some Responsive template’s mobile version that are not working properly. I mean all features are not showing, so carefully check your mobile template. But in case of mobile template there are a big problem that if you want to display ads then you won’t able to display ads if your ads are not responsive. So if you want to earn money from your blog then wise decision will be to select the second option No, show desktop template on mobile devices. Because it will display your desktop template with your existing ads. But this option is recommended for Responsive template users.

So I hope that you have successfully activated Mobile Version of your current Template for Smartphone. If you are facing any difficulty or have any query then feel free to leave a comment below.

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