Computer Tips and Tricks - How to Recover Lost or Deleted Browser History

Few day back, my PC encountered a problem when I was trying some malicious software out in other to test-run some few stuffs, along the process, my browser was forced to shut down and this escalated to the deletion of my browser history which almost frustrated me. As a geek, I killed the frustration with a smile knowing that I would find a solution to the problem.

Luckily for me, I stumbled upon a guide, and finally recovered my browser’s history.

Today’s stroll, I would walk you through the process on how to easily recovery your lost or deleted browser history.

How to Recover Lost or Deleted Browser History

1.       First-off, download the Systenance Index.dat tool, and install on your computer.

2.       After that, launch the tool, and below click on “search” button.

3.       Once you’ve clicked on search button, all your history, past, deleted or lost would be searched for by looking up to the index.dat file.

4.       After the search is completed, then click OK and analyze your history.

5.       You can easily filter your history search result, and if you wish to save, click on the file, and select the save option.

That’s it. Simple right? Follow the steps carefully and you’re gamed.

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