How to Submit Your Site to Bing?

submit site to bing

Webmaster and Business owner wants to get their site visibility on search engines. Visibility is the prerequisite of receiving traffic, potential customers and clients for your Website and Business. If I say, do you want to expend your Blog or website throughout the different search engine? You would answer - Yes! Then just don’t depend on only one search engine. We should take advantage of all search engines. And all search engines has significant amount of visitors those who make search query. And you will find many users those who use only Google search engine for making search query. Similarly Bing search engine also widely used by many users. And to get visibility on Bing search engine we must submit our Blog or website there.

In this tutorial I will show you how to submit a Blog or Website to Bing. However this is pretty easy but for new users should know how to submit their sties on Bing search engine.

1. Submit site To Bing without registration

You can submit your site without any registration with Bing. And it requires only few clicks to submit your site.

Step 1 Just visit

submit your site to Bing

Step 2 Write your web URL on blank field and solve the CAPTCHA.

Step 3 Finally Click SUBMIT button.

Bing Webmaster Tools

You will instantly receive success message. And now Bing will come and visit your site very soon. But submitting site without registration has few problems. You won’t able to see that your site is indexed and receiving traffic from Bing. Even if you wish to submit more URLs then you won’t able to do it. So my recommendation is to submitting site to Bing after registration.

2. Submit site To Bing After registration

There are many advantages you can avail from Bing If you just register with them. You can see details report about URL index on Bing, information about traffic, as well as index more URL from your Blog or website.

If you just submitted your site to Bing without registration then you would see a sign up option written GREAT! SIGN ME UP. You can go through this link for sign up. Alternatively go through below steps-

Step 1 Sign in to Bing Webmaster Tools by visiting If you are new to Bing webmaster then simply click Sign Up link to go through sign up process.

Step 2 From Bing webmaster Dashboard click Add a Site link from top left corner. Now write your website URL. Skip the sitemap submission for now.

Add a site to Bing

Step 3 From the bottom dropdown option select All Day (Default)

Step 4 And finally click ADD button.

That’s it you have successfully added your site to Bing. And now your site will get visibility on Bing search engine. As well as you will able to get details information about your site traffic. 

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