The Coinomia Passive Bitcoin & Ethereum Mining Opportunity!

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "coinomia"Coinomia opened for prelaunch on 9/27/16.  Coinomia is a 100% passive and legitimate  crypto mining opportunity that allows members to share in the mining of Bitcoin and  Ethereum.  Simply purchase a mining pool share, and begin earning cryptocurrency assets on autopilot! The prelaunch of Coinomia will last until the end of October.  
During this time, Coinomia is 100% free to join and build your team.  At the end of prelaunch, members 
will need to purchase a minimum of one mining pool share to begin earning daily crypto assets.  

There will be 3 options for mining pool shares: $100; $1,000; or $10,000.  
The higher the mining pool purchase, the greater the benefits.
When members purchase a mining pool share, they will share daily in the mining pool 
profits of the company.  In this respect, the opportunity is 100% passive and there 
is no need to sponsor or refer anyone into the business.

However, members are also greatly compensated for inviting others and building their 
teams.  Members will receive up to 12% commissions on the purchases made by their 
direct referrals.  The company also has a binary structure that pays each time you 
get just ONE purchase on each leg!  With repurchases, the binary can pay out 
up to $63,000 per day!  With a 100% passive payplan, as well as a monster 
compensation plan for builders, Coinomia has something for EVERYONE.

It is a 100% legitimate, 100% passive Bitcoin and Ethereum mining opportunity, it is NOT an HYIP or Ponzi!
It is 100% FREE to join and build your team.
By the end of prelaunch (October 31st), you simply purchase a mining share for $100; $1000; or $10000 and begin earning daily on autopilot.
Résultat de recherche d'images pour "coinomia"
For those who build, there are 8-12% direct referral commissions, as well as a binary structure that pays EVERY TIME you get just ONE purchase on each leg! With repurchases, the binary can pay up to $63,000 per day.
This one is going to be BIG, BIG, BIG, so I hope you will make the right choice and join my team!
In a binary such as this, it is not as important WHEN you join, but rather WHO you join. My team and I will be going ALL OUT, so there is no better team to join.
Anyone who joins with me will receive exclusive benefits!
These benefits include a Facebook support group for your team, a personal sales site, an email funnel, promotional materials, crypto education and training, and live webinars.

More info:

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