In WordPress platform we often see advertisement can be display in different places. Generally it can be done by the help of Plugins.
And Plugins helps to circulate the ad place and display in different place. This is one of the most effective way to increase Ads revenue. And this strategy works best to increase ad revenue.
In Blogger platform hasn't any opportunity to use plugins mobilize ad placement trick. But we can use JavaScript to display ads at the middle of the Blog post that can increase our ad revenue. Most of the returning Blog readers become ad blind, because they know where ads has placed in your site and they avoid that place.
But by using this widget you can display ads in the middle of the Blog posts and readers will click on ads naturally.
But by using this widget you can display ads in the middle of the Blog posts and readers will click on ads naturally.
Previously I have shared a widget where we can display AdSense ads anywhere inside of a Blogpost. But that widget you have to use manually, because while you make post you have to place manual code <!-- adsense --> like this, where you want to display ads. Many users may not like this widget because of manual works.
So to get ride from that you can use this automatic affiliate ad display widget. Even now you can display any widget in the middle of Blog Post. This widget has several features, those are as follows:
So to get ride from that you can use this automatic affiliate ad display widget. Even now you can display any widget in the middle of Blog Post. This widget has several features, those are as follows:
- Display ads at the middle of the Blog Post.
- You don't have to manually put code.
- This will automatically search the place to display ads.
- You can display multiple ad units.
- Any widget like related post widget can be display at the middle of the Blog posts.
- You can easily remove the widget.
Sounds great! I hope you are pretty excited to integrate this widget in your Blogger site. So let's proceed to the tutorial. Please take a backup of your Blogger template before proceed. After that go through the below steps-by-steps walk through.
Step #1: Log in to your Blogger Account and go to Dashboard
Step #2: From vertical options click on
Theme ->Edit HTML->
Step #3: Instantly locate
by Pressing Ctrl+F (Windows) or CMD+F (Mac) You will find this code <data:post.body/> 3/4 times, Please go for second one.
Step #4: Once you find it then replace
code by below script.
<div expr:id='"adbox"+'/>
<div style='clear:both;text-align:center;margin:15px 0 15px 0'>
<!-- Place Your Ad Code here -->
<div expr:id='"adsbox"+'><p><data:post.body/></p></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var obj0=document.getElementById("adbox<>");var obj1=document.getElementById("adsbox<>");var s=obj1.innerHTML;var t=s.substr(0,s.length/2);var r=t.lastIndexOf("<br>");if(r>0){obj0.innerHTML=s.substr(0,r);obj1.innerHTML=s.substr(r+16);}
Step #5: Please replace line with your affiliate ads, AdSense or widget code. And click "Save template” from the HTML editor.
Note that for placing AdSense ads you must parse the script first. Simple use are Parser to use AdSense code in the widget.
You can check your Blog post now and see ads has started display in the middle of the Blog Post automatically.
A Simple Solution
If your Blog already have many posts then you may see some problem. Some broken script will appear at the bottom of the ad banner. To fix this issue simply make a gap between ad banner and texts in Blog post editor. After that see the preview, if you see broken script is not appearing then simply publish or Update the post.
If you have any query regarding this widget then simply feel free to write a comment below. I will try to get connect with you soon. Thank you.
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