How to remove Blog Name from Post Title Tag in Blogger BlogSpot?

This is a simple but effective SEO trick for blogger platform users! 

But this is most debating and unclear concept that should we keep blog name with Blog post title or remove it for better title optimization? 

Blog Page title is one of the most important key players for ranking on search engine. But if you neglect this thing then you will be loser in SEO race.

To improve your blog search visibility you must follow better optimization techniques and should produce more engaging quality content.

Removing blog title from blog posts in blogger
Remove site name from title tag in blogger BlogSpot!

What is website or Blog Name?

A website or Blog title is the name of the site which can be seen as similar as domain name and can be modify by adding extra words later. 

The title of the blog or website assign by a <title> tag which can be found on top of the blogger XML file. And it remains below <head> tag. For example it will be exactly look below code block: 
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="" dir="ltr" lang="en-US">



You can modify blog title by changing blog name and adding more words with blog name. 

What is Blog Post title? 

Blog post title is the content headline of a blog or website. Generally it can be seen like this. 

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="" dir="ltr" lang="en-US">

<title> Optimize Your Blog Post Titles for better Search Engine Optimization - BloggerSpice</title>


In the above example you can see the post title + Blog Name, because under BloggerSpice site I have posted or published this article.

Blogger BlogSpot view code source

Here the articles title containing 63 characters but after publishing it has also added the Blog name, as a result total characters extended from 63 to 83 characters.

Blog post title with long character is not good for search engine result page, because search engine prefer more relevance title rather picking long title and after 70 characters viewers won’t able to see the rest of the text on search result page. 

Page Titles That Are Too Long creates problem

Generally most of the search engines in the search result page display up to 65 characters to 70 characters for any content title.

And over 70 characters it will display as clutter e.g. three dots will hide the rest of the title characters. So if you are publishing a blog post with 70 characters then you might think you have done optimization for search engine, indeed you are not.

Search engine will display your post title including your blog title or name, as a result the total character would be 70 + 20 or more = 90 or 100 characters. 

Hence, if your all post titles are containing over 70 characters then all of your post title in search result page will end with dots and hidden.

Consequently, visitors won’t able to read your whole post title and may skip your content and click on another better optimized title that clearly visible, written with below 70 characters and readable by first sight.

From this point of view removing blog name from post title tag would be a wise decision. 

On the other hand, many people showing arguments that for branding a blog post title, Blog name must remain at the end of the title. If blog name doesn’t appear at the end of the post title then visitors won’t understand from where this title has evolved? 

But the simple answer is, if your blog post title containing over 70 characters then your blog name won’t appear in search result. So keeping blog name with post title is literally pointless. 

Alternative solution is, either you have to keep your blog title short and precise or make short your domain name length in title tag. Following this trend is not always possible by content writes. 

It goes without say, removing blog name from post title tag in blogger BlogSpot would be the better verdict. 

Therefore, this title optimization technique already followed by many popular SEO niche websites like Search Engine Land, Voodoo Internet Marketing, Webfx and many more. 

SEO effects of removing blog name from Post title? 

There is bit confusion about the positive and negative effects of removing Blog or website name from the post title. This is almost a new concept and don’t have enough evidence in favor or against on this optimization technique. 

What are the effects exactly can be seen in future? Almost no information available on it in Google search engine but we can use some common sense to figure it out. 

If you are concern about your brand name then keeping blog name at the end of the post title is important to you. In this case, you have an option to shorten the blog name to maximum five characters and this won’t affect the blog labeling. 

Branding your post titles give out authority for the users and returning visitors will easily recognize your blog name from post title on SERP. 

The effectiveness of this optimization still at evaluation level and Google may append your website name for you when you omit it from post title. 

This optimization process can affect all the pages, date archives, 404 error page etc. When such pages are displayed in the search engine result page then it’s difficult to tell whose it is.

Whatever the effect decision is up to you, either you can use or not. If you don’t want to use then my suggestion would be to shorten your blog post title. 

How to remove blog name from post title tag in blogger BlogSpot? 

To overcome from this issue you must remove the blog name from your post title. And this can be done by replacing a small code on your Blogger theme.

I will show you how to do this easily – just follow the instructions from below: 

Step #1: Login to your Blogger BlogSpot account and if you are running multiple blog then select the appropriate Blog to install the Google progress bar feature. 

Step #2: Now go to the Blogger dashboard 

Step #3: Select Theme tab and Click Edit HTM button

edit blogger theme easily

Step #4: Find the code block like below. You will find it below <head> tag. 
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>

Step #5: Now replace the above script by below code block. 
<!-- SEO Title Tag by>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<b:elseif cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;error_page&quot;'/>
404 | <data:blog.title/>

Step #6: Hit the Save theme button and exit from there. 

Now how you will understand that your code is working? Don’t worry you can check it instantly. Please follow the below steps: 

Step #7: Just visit your any blog post page 

Step #8: And click right button of your mouse and click “View the source”. Alternatively just use Ctrl+U (Windows) keyboard shortcut and instantly your post page’s source code will open in a new tab.

How To Add Blogspot Post Title to H1 Tag For Better SEO

Step #9: Locate the title tag. It can be found at the top of the source code page view. If your code is working then the title would be like below: 
<title> Optimize Your Blog Post Titles for better Search Engine Optimization</title> 
If source code is not working the title will look like below: 
<title> Optimize Your Blog Post Titles for better Search Engine Optimization - BloggerSpice</title> 
After adding this SEO trick resubmit your blog sitemap on Google Search console, as well as ping your site by using any ping tool, If possible publish a new article. 

SEO is always variable, not a stable thing. So for the time being, we have to adopt different SEO strategy to cope with Google’s latest algorithm. 

After applying this optimization trick it will go through propagation period to take effect completely and this is completely depending on search bot. 

As soon as Google re-index your blog post title then it will appear on search result without blog or website name at the end of the title. 

What do you think about this trick? Is it good or bad optimization technique? Please let me know.

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