32 Best Free Ping Website List For Indexing Your Blog Fast

Is your brand new blog or newly published content receiving low Page views? 

Are you facing crawling and indexing problems? 

Don’t worry! Pinging Service will help to solve your problem. 

Pinging Services help your content to crawl in search engine and index your blog posts in different directories instantly. 

Your blog will also get the position at the top of SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages), as well as it will create backlinks for your website or blog. 

Frequently a question may pop up in your mind that after publishing new content or updating your blog how to tell the search engine about this? 

When a blogger publishes new posts then they have to wait for a certain period to get index and crawl in search engine naturally. But if you Ping your site then search engine easily noticed about the updates you made in your blog. 

32 Ping Sites to Rocket Up Your Indexing in no Time! - 2019

So site pinging is very useful to get your content index in the various directories and drive traffic. You can Ping to index any blog with any niche no one will resist on it. 

Pinging services are necessary for the webmaster to generate more leads but all blogging platform doesn’t have auto pinging feature except self–hosted WordPress. Only WordPress CMS has an integrated pinging tool that will automatically ping the updates. 

Other blogging platform users have to use the ping service website and submit their blog URL manually. 

What is Ping? 

Ping is an XML-RPC-based push mechanism by which a weblog notifies a server that its content has been updated. 

When you publish an article or update your blog then only you know that you have updated but how to send a notification to the webserver? Ping helps to send the notification that your site has been updated. 

As a result, the search engine index your newly published blog content promptly and it makes a small effect on your blog rank. 

What is a Ping Tool website? 

Ping Tools are an online-based tool that rapidly indexes your blog/website URLs to various 
  • Search engines 
  • Directories 
  • Communities 
  • Content aggregators 
and some other places. And this will help to build inbound links. 

A Ping tool allows users to submit website or posts in various directories and crawl those content’s URLs in search engine. 

Most of the pinging service providers offer this feature free of cost but there are many paid ping services available and some ping service websites are required to add reciprocal URL for functioning properly. 

Why You Should Use Ping Services? 

For indexing and crawling your blog and contents, Google Search Console is enough, but it will not submit your content to user directories. 

So here ping tool plays a vital role to get index your content in different blog directories. This means, by using ping services you will able to go one step ahead than usual Google Search Console users. 

You should Use Ping Services for the following reasons: 
  • It can index your site’s URL easily to the major search engines. 
  • It can create high-quality backlink very fast. 
  • It can generate more traffic on your blog. 
  • It can help to reach a new audience. 
And you don’t have to give any extra effort to rank your blog higher. 

Over Use of Ping Tool? 

We know excess is always bad. You have to avoid over pinging because due to over pinging activity your blog may block by major search engines. 

You should select an appropriate pinging service that includes most ping servers. Many ping service website ping your site free of cost, but they are actually 'overlap'. As a result, may get a negative result. 

For example: 

You have a health website and you are using 2 ping services to ping your site that has included the same server for pinging. So if you choose multiple services to ping at the same time without any new content that will create multiple backlinks in the search engine or directories but they will treat it as spam. 

When you ping your blog site to Google then Google bot crawl your submitted URL but turned out there if it finds that there is nothing any new then the output may revert. That could make trouble for you by Google. Mr. Google already set the schedule when to send a crawler to visit you identify this by signing up with Google Webmaster Tool. 

Though ping service has a very positive effect on your site growth it has also some negative impact. But if you follow a few simple guidelines and use pinging service properly then you can make most out of it. 
  • You should avoid pinging the same URL over and over within the shortest period of time. 
  • You should not use over 2 ping tools to ping the same URL of your blog or website. 
  • Ping your blog URL after publishing new content only. 
  • The best use of the ping tool is twice a week. 
So by following the above guideline, you can get relief ride off from the negative impact of the Ping tool. 

Top 32 high authority Ping Websites to Ping Your Site For Faster Indexing 

I hope you are pretty interested to use ping tool to boost your Blog growth. 

There are many pinging sites available throughout the web. Among them, you should choose the most trusted pinging service provider. 

Here I have come up with top 32 best high authority ping submission sites to ping your blog effortlessly.

The above ping services are absolutely free. Besides this, you will find many paid ping services. 

But from my point of view, you should use free services because you won’t find any significant difference between Paid and free service. So using free services will be a wise decision. 

Wrap It Up 

I have shared with you a list of high authority ping service provider site which can provide benefit for your site SEO. 

Again, you should take some precautions during the use of those ping services. Constant pinging without any updates of blog content, your website may be treated as a spam site and ultimately your site can get ban from search engine. 

So you should use a ping service maximum two times a week and after posting a new article, it is a precise time to ping your site. 

Let me know which ping service do you use? And Why? 

Happy Blogging!!!

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