How To Index Content Faster With New Google URL Inspection Tool?

What the hack? Why Google is not indexing my content? 

This is probably most common question for new blog owner. 

This can be happen if you don’t know how to exactly submit your content URL to Google for quick indexing. 

Many of us just write content and publish it to get index by Google search engine naturally. But it may take longer time to get Google to index your Website and Blog Content. 

This is not necessary.  In this article you will learn: 
How can you get your content on Google search engine faster? How do you get Google to index the pages after hitting publish button? 

In addition, you will see how to get Google to index your website through simple steps. 

Website indexing is not any tough job now. After writing any content it can be index by Google quickly and accurately. But you need to know the appropriate indexing procedure. And follow Calhoun Super Structure

A new blogger wants to see their Blog and content URL on Google search engine result pages (SERPs) to drive traffic. Similarly if you are a marketer then you will try to success in your marketing campaign. 

After creating a Blog and publishing content it take certain period of time to get index in Google search engine. Note that: 

This is not specified that how long search engine will take to get indexed your content.

How to get new pages or site updates indexed by Google quickly

Google search engine always give priority for unique and fresh content but after publishing your content naturally Google take longer time to index. 

If your content written based on old concept then it will take long time to rank on search engine. 

Consequently, written content tailored with fresh new concept then search engine will index it faster. 

But for happening index magic you have to wait usual time. As a result, your fresh new unique content may not get higher position in search engine instantly. 

So to get indexed blog post instantly you can take manual action through Google Search Console. 

What is Google Search Console? 

Google Search Console is a free useful tool offered by Google that helps webmasters to monitor, manage, maintain, and troubleshoot their website's presence in Google Search results through an official portal. 

Google Search Console lets you see the crammed full with useful statistics. This is a combination of multiple effective tools that help you measure your website's reports, search traffic and performance, fix issues, and make your site stand out in Google Search results. 

And this is the best ground to index your post URL in Google search. 

How does Google index? 

Every day many pages are creating by webmaster through their websites. To index those pages Google use a filtering process and some powerful tools. 

Google goes through 3 tasks to index URLs. And every URL must pass through those tasks to get indexed quickly. 

  1. Crawler Tool 
  2. Index Tool 
  3. Search Algorithm 


Crawler Tool 
This is the most important tool. This is also known as spiders. Generally spiders crawls different sites to find HTML text from web pages. 

Index Tool 
After finding the information Index tool store the record into Google’s index. This is just like storage and when you make any search query then search engine shows the result from that storage. 

Search Algorithm 
Search algorithm works to show the most relevant result from stored database. This means if your published content is relevant with search query then search engine will display your content on search result. 

Note that: 

Google always give priority most up-to-date and relevant content in search results. So if your content is good enough then try to update some part of the content time to time. When you update Google will get notify about it and show on search result. 

What is URL Inspection Tool? 

Utilizing the various functions of Google Search Console help you to run your website like a well-oiled machine. 

The URL Inspection tool (previously known as “Fetch as Google” tool) is a free Google index tools provides information about URL indexation status of a specific page on Google search engine. 

It mainly provides 3 types of information includes 
  1. AMP errors 
  2. Structured data errors 
  3. Indexing issues 

What is URL Inspection Tool?

What are the Common tasks of URL Inspection Tool? 

This Google indexing tool mainly developed for indexing but now this is more powerful tool with additional features like: 
  • Inspect indexed URL 
  • Inspect a live URL 
  • Request indexing for a URL 
  • View a rendered version of the page 
  • View loaded resources list, JavaScript output, and other information 
Your URL Inspection Tool now able to index website on Google faster than before. It can also test and identify why Google could or could not index your page. In addition, you can inform about page changes and request Google for crawl a URL. 

How To Submit URLs To Google? 

To submit URL to Google you must use Google search Console. In search console you will find Google index tool which is knows as URL Inspection Tool. 

But to use URL Inspection Tool you must have: 
  • Gmail Account 
  • Google Search Console Account 

I am showing the step-by-step procedure to submit URLs to Google: 

If you don’t have Google search Console account then don’t worry, you can sign up with your Gmail account. 

How to create a Gmail Account? 

If you don’t own any Gmail account then simply create a Gmail account through below steps: 

Step #1: Visit Gmail Account creation page.

Step #2: Click Create an account URL 

Step #3: Fill up the form with necessary information and click Next button.

How to create a Gmail Account?

Step #4: You will directly land into your Gmail account dashboard. 

That’s it your Gmail account creation task has completed. 

How to create account on Google Search Console? 

Once you have created Gmail account then it will allow you to login to Google Search Console account. 

Step #1: Visit Google Search Console Page 

Step #2: Click Start now button. 

Step #3: Sign in with your Gmail account. 

Step #4: Now add your Domain URL without http or https on Domain box. And click CONTINUE button. You may have to verify your domain.

Google search console domain verification

Step #5: Click GO TO PROPERTY to land on Google Search Console dashboard. 

Now I will show you how you can submit to index your Blog content on Google search console by using URL inspection tool. 

Step #1: Click URL inspection to open URL input field.

Google URL Inspection Tool

Step #2: Add your Blog post URL and hit the enter button from your keyboard. 

Step #3:Your URL will be verified by Google and show the status if URL is not on Google. Simply click on REQUEST INDEXING link


Step #4: It will take few minutes to Test live URL. And at the end you will see Indexing requested message. Click GOT IT to exit.

URL indexing requested

Step #5: Finally you will see the Submitted and indexed report. 

Submitted and indexed report.

That’s it. Your link has submitted for quick index. Within shortest period of time you will see your content link on Google search. 

After making index request in Google search console, Spiders will crawls URL that corresponds to the path that you requested. 

How to check URL that has been indexed? 

This is very simple process to check URL on Google search. 

To check whether Google indexed pages or any specific URL just writes on search engine. 
  • Site:

Blog Post Index status on Google Search

If you can see your blog URL that means Google indexed your URL. But if not visible then you have to wait after submitting the URL on Google search console. 

Wrap it Up 

To have a successful website the first step is to getting index in Google. Without indexing your site URL will not become visible to Google search, as a result you will see zero organic traffic in your website. 

After upgrading Google Search Console many webmasters was confuse about Fetch as Google feature. Many of us thought Google has omitted that amazing feature but fortunately they replaced and upgraded this tool with more powerful features. 

This tool will give you more control over your site crawling and indexing process. After adding URL keep watching about the index status of Google. 

Including this step on your checklist your latest blog content can be found on Google search sooner. 

Let me know what are the techniques do you use to index your site properly?

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