BitTorrent released a new torrent client, but, unlike what you’re already used to from the company (hint: uTorrent), this is integrated straight into the web browser, Google Chrome, that is.It is a simple extension, currently in alpha, called BitTorrent Surf, which is already available for download from Chrome Web Store.The...
Showing posts with label Torrent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Torrent. Show all posts
If you're using BitTorrent without taking special measures to hide your activity, it's just a matter of time before your ISP throttles your connection, sends you an ominous letter, or worst case, your ISP gets a subpoena from a lawyer asking for your identity for a file-sharing law suit. Here's how to set up a simple proxy...
Rumors are flying after the Pirate Bay's website took a dive on Monday just as news broke of a raid by Swedish police on its hosting company PRQ – but the group says the two facts are not related."Dear internet. We have not been raided. We are not shutting down. We like turtles, waffles and you," the group said on its...
BitTorrent is no longer the dominant player when it comes to file-sharing on the Internet. The five largest English language websites dedicated to swapping files are all related to centralized file-hosting services, also known as cyberlockers.Here are the 10 Most Popular File Sharing Sites as derived from our Rank which...
Last year I posted the best p2p software clients and here again I've listed the world's most popular BitTorrent sites. At the start of 2012 The Pirate Bay continues to pull in the most visitors, followed by Torrentz and KickassTorrents.This list is based on traffic rank and reports from Compete and Alexa, though we are...