Sometimes we need to translate documents from english to some other language or viceversa. If u need to do this and you don't know that language, then now you can do this simply by using MS Word 2007, no need of can insert phrases from languages you do not know into your documents, duplicate documents in...
Showing posts with label WINDOWS XP TRICKS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WINDOWS XP TRICKS. Show all posts
Sometimes we need to boot our computer in safe mood. It is required when you have to run a program which is not fully compatible in windows or when you have to fix virus error. To start a computer in safe mode we have to press f8 which should be timed properly if it is not timed properly then we have to restart computer....
Windows save list of recently opened files and show them in start menu. Its very convinient to find files. But if you wanna some privacy, if you don;t want others to see which files and programs you opened than you can hide recent files.To remove recent items from start menu just follow these steps:1). Right click on...
Windows of the complaint will be slow. I broke the keyboard and mouse. But this is not the solution. There are many techniques to speed up the computer. And easy. Keep reading to learn.Blue screens, system errors, high in most cases it probably has to do with the Windows registry system. When you download and install so...