It has come to my attention that my article "Implications of the Blockchain Technology for the UNCITRAL Works" had been published from the United Nations in November last year. The 50th anniversary Congress was a big occasion for UNCITRAL and it was my great honour to be part of it. Here is my article excerpted from the...
Showing posts with label tracing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tracing. Show all posts
I will be presenting my thoughts on the subject above in the upcoming Congress of the UNCITRAL for the celebration of its 50th anniversary (4-6 July 2017).My paper currently on the Congress website is a version which I sent to the UNCITRAL Secretariat some months ago and which no longer represents my latest thinking...
Attached here is the powerpoint file I used in my presentation at the Cyberspace 2016 conference on 26 Nov. 2016.I examined the Tokyo District Court's decision in a suit filed after the opening of Mt.Gox's bankruptcy proceedings. The suit was filed outside the bankruptcy proceedings to obtain a full recovery of the bitcoins...
田髙論文(過去記事参照)と同じく、標記論文(林良平献呈論文集『現代における物権法と債権法の交錯』(有斐閣、1998年)357~394頁所収)は、金銭騙取や誤振込などの場合に、騙取者や不当利得者の無資力危険を返還権利者に負担させることが妥当かという問題提起をする。しかし、返還権利者の物権的保護の可能性を検討する田髙論文に対して、本論稿は、返還権利者の権利を債権と構成しても、一定の場合には優先的な弁済受領を認めることができないかという問題意識の下で、優先権付与の要件として必要とされる客体の特定性をアメリカ法の追及法理の下で検討している。仮想通貨の騙取や誤振込の場合の分析にも参考になる記述が多い。 規範的な追及可能性が技術的な追及可能...
When we consider whether it is possible in law to obtain the recovery of stolen cryptocurrency units, what matters is normative, rather than technical, traceability of the stolen units. This is so whether the claim for recovery is based on the ownership of the units or the restitution of unjust enrichment.There may be...
Arvind Narayanan writes in his blog post that since banks can reverse fraudulent transactions and law enforcement of digital financial crimes is relatively competent, the risk of getting caught combined with the diminished ability to cash in on attacks skew the economics against attackers. He contrasts this with bitcoin...