How to Resolve Plagiarism Blog

Avoid Plagiarism - Disable copy paste on blogger - What should I do when my article being copied -- It feels really uncomfortable after many minutes even hours to write, suddenly came the thieves article. Casually and without guilt they copy-paste our articles to their blogs. I actually does not mind if I copy-paste text if it does not damage the SEO blogs and articles in Google SERP ranking. The problem is, Google often does not know where the original article and which the copy-paste. So it is not uncommon article first appeared loot compared to the original article. Even the few cases where the original article sentenced to Google Panda. So, how to deal with theft of an article?
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Resolve Plagiarism Blog

If you write articles which are original works of your own in your blog, and you write with full dedication. With some difficulty to find references, arranged one after another, and make it readable in writing a complete article and attract readers, then you will feel satisfied. Readers will also be pleased. However, there are some readers who are so happy and then copy-paste an entire article to the blog. His intentions may be good, so that the information is read by visitors to his blog.

However, the consequences are not good especially for the source of the article is in the eyes of Google search. Because if there are two or more posts exact same thing, only one paper to be selected by Google to appear in Google search. And troublesome, which appears not always to the original article. Not infrequently the copy - paste article it to appear over the top of the original writing. The point is, copy-paste can be very damaging to SEO writing origin.

To overcome this, there are two ways. First, contact the blogger who copied your article and ask to remove posts that the cheat sheet. Or remove most of the article and give backlink / source for the next article.

Second, ask DMCA Complaints to Google that article on her blog removed from Google search.


If second way that taken, then who the original atthor an article may file a lawsuit to the DMCA complaints to Google in order to article on another blog plagiarism recalled Google Search which will return the traffic to your blog on Google.

Here's a guide:
1. Visit Google online form and fill it.
- In the "Identify and describe the copyrighted work", insert text and a summary of the text which being copy-paste.
- In the "Where can we see an example of the work authorized?", Write the url address that being copy-paste.
- In the "Location of the allegedly infringing material", write the url address that copy-paste your article to be submit to Google to be removed from Google.

2. Click on Submit. 

You will then receive an email reply from Google as follows:
"Thank you for using our online AdSense DMCA complaint form. We have received your complaint and have queued it for review. Once our investigation of your complaint is complete, we will send you an email confirmation."


  1. Visit
  2. Write a headline for your article with enclosed quotes. Example, "How to Resolve Plagiarism Blog"
  3. Press Enter.
  4. It would appear the site - other sites that copy-paste your article containing the same word.
  5. Visit the site - these sites one by one to find out whether the quoted 100% or only partially.

Disable the feature highlight and copy-paste may also reduce the potential for thieves to steal the article you original articles. Do the following:
  1. Login into
  2. Click the "Layout"
  3. Click add gadget, select HTML / JavaScript
  4. Enter the following code in the box provided.

<!--Disable Copy And Paste-->

<script language="JavaScript1.2">

function disableselect(e){

return false


function reEnable(){

return true


document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false")

if (window.sidebar){




    5.  Save.

The main negative impact when that original article in the copy paste is as follows:
  1. Original articles will go down the rankings in Google because it is a duplicate article.
  2. Original articles is sometimes considered plagiarism articles, while that copy-paste the article is considered that original article. When this happens, then the original article will disappear from Google search or Google hit by Panda.
  3. If one of the articles are being punished by Google Panda, then it will affect your ranking in the SERP article - another article. So, it's dangerous and a large negative impact of the article robber.
Now we already know what a danger of theft of the article, then, as soon avoid. Remember, google love originality. Internet tips and trick,

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