5 Apps Music Lovers Can Jam Out To

Apps are perfect for music lovers everywhere. There are apps that you can listen to music on, and there are also apps that you can make music on. When looking for the perfect app, it really depends on what you need.

Find out the Name of a Song with Shazam

Find out the Name of a Song with Shazam
Image via Google Play
Have you ever listened to a song and just couldn't think of the name of the song or artist? With Shazam, you can easily find this information out. The app just needs to listen in to a part of the song, and it will tell you the name of the artist, the song, and it will also give you links to the Youtube video as well as where you can buy the song on iTunes.

Listen to all the Music You Want with Pandora

Listen to all the Music You Want with Pandora
Image via Flickr by David Berkowitz
Pandora is one of the greatest inventions for music lovers. Originally a website, and now also an app, Pandora lets you stream music as long as you want. There is a free version as well as a paid version, and which you choose depends on whether you mind ads or not, and how much you listen. You can customize your station to play the type of music you want, or you can branch out and listen to pre-made stations, as well. You can even share stations with friends, allowing you to show others your favorite music.

Make Unique Instruments with Tachyon

Make Unique Instruments with Tachyon
Image via Apple Store
Tachyon is a great app that allows you to create music the way you want to. In fact, you can blend images and sounds together, which allows you to create unique instruments. You have complete control over the pitch, tone and sound of each note. Making beautiful music has never been as customizable as this. When trying to create something new, this is the perfect option. Not only do you get a new sound, you can even have great visuals to go along with it.

Make Bebot Sing

Make Bebot Sing
Image via Apple Store
Have you ever wanted to have your own little robot to sing to you? With the Bebot app, you can. Slide your finger across the phone, and Bebot sings to you. You can even make him harmonize with himself by adding more fingers. In addition, you can change and customize the controls of the synthesizer. This is not only a great way to make music, it's a great way to spend some time and have some fun.

Des Pudels Kern GmbH Audiotool Sketch Makes Music on Android

Des Pudels Kern GmbH Audiotool Sketch
Image via Google Play
If you are looking for a great Android music maker, there aren't as many as there are for iOS. However, that doesn't mean that there are none. The Des Pudels Kern GmbH Audiotool Sketch is a synthesizer and drum machine that can help you put together the perfect song. It works best with tablets, however, it does work well on some phones, as well.

Smartphones are a great avenue to listen to and create music. Since they are extremely portable, they are almost always with you. Listen to music or make music while buying your Pink tickets or wandering the grocery store.

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