Eurobits - Your Platform To Make Your Bitcoin Work For You

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "eurobits"Time to make your bitcoin work for you with the newest and fastest growing bitcoin community with up to 1.15% - 1.2% daily dividend on your investment...
Minimum PH 0.2 bitcoin
Maximum PH 20 bitcoin

Withdrawal from day 15 up to day 50
GH in 48 hours to your e wallet

Launch 29 June 2016



With GH: Get Help Community


WITHDRAWAL ANYTIME AFTER 48 hours .. Bitcoin to your wallet (Blockchain)

Good news Make Friends Around The State Anywhere, without exception !!.

★ The currency used: Bitcoin

PH minimum of 0.2 Bitcoin

PH maximum 20 Bitcoin

★ only PH requires pin/Ticket , GH no pin/Ticket forever

1 pin = price 14 euro

1 pin/Ticket for every 2 Btc

( Pin/Ticket required to Provide Help/ Invest)

Minimum PH 0.2 btc

Maximum PH 20 btc

1 Ticket = 0.1btc to 2btc

2 Ticket = 2.1 to 4 btc

3 Ticket = 4.1 btc to 6btc

4 Ticket = 6.1 btc to 8 btc

5 Ticket = 8.1btc to 10btc

6 Ticket = 11.1btc to 12btc

7 Ticket = 12.1 to 14 btc

8 Ticket = 14.1 btc to 16btc

9 Ticket = 16.1 btc to 18 cbtc

10 Ticket = 18.1btc to 20btc

★ period :-you can withdraw your capital and profit at any time after 15 days

→ Min.GH in 24 hours. 0.1 Bitcoin

→ Max.GH Unlimited

★ Sponsor BONUS 5% and can withdraw on the spot

★ Daily Pairing Bonus 0.5% >> 2% >> 3%>>5%

* Withdrawal pairing every day

Left. | Right % Bonus. Total Bonus

5 Btc. | 5 Btc. 0.5%. 0.025 Btc

20 Btc | 20 Btc 2.0% 0.40. Btc

50 Btc | 50 Btc. 3.0%. 1.50 Btc

105 Btc | 105 Btc 5.0%. 5.25 Btc

Maximum daily bonus 5.25 Btc X 30 days =

157.50 Btc monthly... Wow !!!

★ Welcome all world leaders ... We need you together to be millionaires

    Eurobits - Your Platform To Make Your Bitcoin Work For You....

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