YOcoin More Developments Coming!

Clearing Up the Questions and Concerns...
We have had a lot of questions over the past month and rightfully so. As with any new company that grows 10x faster than ever expected, there will always be growing pains as we have all witnessed but this shouldn’t be of concern but more so of a learning curve.

In just a few short months we have now signed up over 100,000 members to YOcoin and we want to say from us all to all of you, thank you so very much for being a part of our history.

Now, this will NOT be our typical newsletter like the rest have been thus far.

In this newsletter we want to cover all the questions and concerns that people have been having. There has been a general consensus of questions that have concerned YOcoin members so we have listed them below and have opened a channel to which everyone can send their questions of concerns in so that we can add them to our new 
FAQ page and help all those requiring answers.

If you don’t see the answers to the questions you have, please send an email to the address below and we will post them with the answers on this 
FAQ page for future reference questions@yofaqs.com.

1)Why do they implement changes on the live server instead of on a test server?

A.We have recognized this as being an issue with our operating system developers and we have requested that they do the repairs and changes on a test server before releasing it publicly.

2)What is taking so long with response times?

A.The support desk has been a strong issue that we have been addressing. Currently we have just released the new ZenDesk support system. This will speed up response times and you can find this within the dashboard of http://secure.yocoin.org . It is the button in the bottom right corner of the main screen.

3)What should someone do if the ticketing system has eaten their ticket? How (else) can someone communicate with support. (800# etc.)

A.With the new support system, we should be able to handle these kinds of issues quickly with phone and chat support. Please resubmit the ticket and we will get back to you very quickly.

4)Has the travel portal been released?

A.Travel Portal is yet to be released. Its under testing phase and expected to be live by or before 15th Oct., 2016.

5)What about shopping portal?

A.If you look at the releases below and their scheduled dates of release, you will see when the new shopping portal along with the additional features will be added and when to expect their delivery.

6)I've heard that the company ordered the new site but has some problems in complying with agreement or payment. Where is the truth?

A.Our new marketing team is the developers building out a lot of our new features and developments. When working with the old developers and new developers things can get a bit complicated and cause unexpected issues.These issues have been resolved and both teams are working hard to get all things completed as fast as possible. It is both theirs and our intentions to have everything done in a timely manner. Coding complex systems can sometimes take longer than expected and all members should be aware that all these developments are being completed as fast as possible.

7)Why is the YoEx details not showing in coinmarketcap.com?

A.YoEx details will be uploaded soon in coinmarketcap.com

8)Any news for Bittrex?

A.Our Development team is regularly in touch with Bittrex Management to comply requisite parameters and this is in the last phase of enlistment procedure.

9)Why are the coins not coming in our yochain wallet on the same date which is mentioned in the statements?

A.We had already mentioned in past bulletin that our processing time is 24 hrs from statement date.

10)I have sent several support tickets regarding missing coins from when the wallets were changed and they still have not been resolved.  How much longer till this gets fixed?

A.Swapping of coins had some issues earlier but now mostly all cases are fixed. However, if still any case persists please mail the same specifically to support@yocoin.org

11)My account still did not receive any YOC from weekly payment. Can someone help?

A.Have you provided wallet address? All coins post 1st July 2016 are sent on daily basis. All coins pre-July 1st is also being addressed as fast as possible. We recognized there were issues with our system and we are moving to automate this process of delivery as well.

12)The Corporate website should show the principal owners, and the corporate team. Any idea when this will be released as promised?

A.We were planning on having this added to the new dashboard which will be up and running before the end of this week.

13)Can we receive information on how to convert YoCoin to cash? Perhaps a video to make it more simple?

A.Our new marketing team is creating these videos right now and will be available this week in the new dashboard under the training tab.

14)When trying to meet qualifications for the contest, we as members do not know both sides of our volume from your personal group downline. How will we know how we are doing?

A.We have been currently working on a way to track all sales throughout the entire system that can host an up to date leaderboard. For now, our only solution will be to post the top 100 members in the newsletter until we have this system completed but as we all know, our new developers have their hands full so this development might take a little longer to complete.

We want everyone to know that the principles, corporate team and development teams have the member’s interests at heart and that we are getting all things addressed and built as fast as possible.

If you have a question that you need answered and you do not see it on this list, please send it to this email address questions@yofaqs.com

You can see the new FAQ page called 

Developments Coming to YOcoin and Their Expected Release Dates

Just Released!

YoBills – http://yobills.co

Now anyone in the United States, Canada, India, Vietnam, Nigeria and the United Kingdom can pay their bills online using our new system called YoBills. This is a first of it’s kind and there are a lot of advantages to paying your bills with our newly developed service.

Yo-Ex – https://yo-ex.com

YOcoin wants to be a global cryptocurrency leader and in order to do that we must offer more services and uses than any other cryptocurrency in the World so we found it only appropriate if we had our own cryptocurrency exchange that quotes the proper value of YOcoin at any one time and allows people that own YOcoin to trade for any other cryptocurrency with ease. More features will be added shortly to Yo-Ex to make it the World’s number #1 cryptocurrency exchange.

More Developments Coming!

Here is the scheduled plans of new features and add-ons that will increase the use and value of YOcoin.

Monday, October 3rd  – 

Finally, the “New” dashboard has been launched.

We have now released the new YOcoin dashboard for better user experience. Some links may lead to temporary pages at the moment but keep checking in as we will be adding more features and access links to new things as we move forward. We hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, October 4th  – All New Chat Forum Called YoChat!

We will be trading the slack account for a new in system chat board system that we have named YoChat and will be released early this week. This new system is easier to use and follow in a more social media style layout.

Saturday, October 15th – Release of YOcoin’s Official Accelerator Program!

This system is a fast track way for members to earn exponentially more money with less effort.

It will be based on a monthly recurring plan that gives members access to things never before seen in the industry and will certainly excite millions of new members into wanting to be a YOcoin Representative.

Saturday, October 15th – Release of the World’s First Syndicated Webinar System

It is exclusive to only YOcoin and it will allow people to view corporate events in a syndicated fashion across thousands of website pages, social media and right inside the member’s area.

Saturday, October 29th – Launch of YOCasino!

Members and non-Members alike will be able to enjoy playing a game of dice, blackjack, slots and even Texas Hold’em Poker using YOcoins.

Saturday, November 12th – Release of the YoBazaar

Earn more money by being a merchant and selling your retail goods for YOcoin or shop until you drop. This shopping portal only accepts YOcoin for payment but has been built to function exactly like other major retail websites such as Amazon, AliExpress, Etsy and Shopify Stores.

This is a massive advancement for all cryptocurrencies and it’s a YOcoin first!

Saturday, November 26th – Release of YoVentures!

Walk through a series of 6 classes on how to use YOcoin to make real World investments and how to turn that into BIG REAL-WORLD RETURNS!

Saturday, December 10th – Official Launch of the YOcoin Decentralized Bank

Imagine high return investments, high interest savings, loans, mortgages and more in a save haven decentralized bank.

Saturday, January 15th  – Release of the YoFunding Platform.

Just like Kickstarter and Indie Go-Go, YOcoin will introduce a crowd funding platform that will allow members to fund projects for both profit and non-profit opportunities.

We look forward to sharing all these new programs with you over the next few months.

There will be even more updates to come soon!

Grand Launch Special

The previous promotion from the very first newsletter has been extended by 1 week ONLY, because so many people were having issues receiving our emails. This promotion will end Sunday, October 9th 2016 at Midnight EST.
If you missed it, you don’t want to miss out on your opportunity to get one of the very limited edition YOcoins in Copper, Silver and GOLD!

Details available in the first newsletter and in your YOcoin back office.

Details available here: Grand Launch Special

Please note: The copper and silver coins from this promotion will be delivered the first week of November 2016 and the Gold coins the first week of January 2017.

Grand Launch Contest

Don't miss your chance at over $250,000 in cash and prizes.

Learn more and enter now: 
Grand Launch Contest

To get all the latest news updates, please bookmark this link and check back often as it will always have the latest newsletter posted on it:http://yocoinnewsletter.com/latest

Our new marketing team will be releasing an intense advanced training course on how you can take your sign ups to the next level soon as well and you will want to make sure you watch for the next newsletter.

The Details to the YOcoin Official Launch Contest can be found in the dashboard of http://secure.yocoin.org.

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