Technology continues to grow by leaps and bounds, especially when it involves information technology for businesses. Always needing to know the best solutions for their IT operations, businesses everywhere are looking for answers. In today's high-tech world, cloud computing is quickly gaining momentum as the best way...
Showing posts with label Cloud Computing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cloud Computing. Show all posts
Having a disaster recovery plan (DRP) in place is essential to the survival of all businesses. Without a DRP, businesses are subject to the loss of data, revenue, and customer base during a disaster or downtime, which can be catastrophic. Many different DRP options exist, such as adjusting your in-house infrastructure,...
Cloud computing technology spread around the globe rapidly and its adoption introduced different types of innovation in business environment. However, ever since the buzz around cloud-based tech solutions has started, the world’s eyes were set upon potential problems.Over the last few years, the top concern for companies...
Even though cloud computing is becoming increasingly popular solution for businesses and individuals alike, and even though a lot of people are using it in some form, quite often without even being aware of that, there are still a lot of those who are only superficially acquainted with the term. Cloud computing has been...
Data storage and backup is vital to the smooth and efficient running of any business, but a lot of companies and IT managers make a number of routine mistakes when it comes to backing up data. Key among these is the propensity to use complicated backup systems that require constant management. The cost of maintaining...
By 2016 two-thirds all workloads will be processed in the cloud, which is a two-fold increase on the number on workloads per installed cloud server in 2011. Better make sure you’re getting your work done on time and in budget because your world is going to be no longer private!For those of you who don’t know what an Exabyte...
Last week, I was sitting around talking to a friend about how he lost his data on his computer, but he had it all backed up on an external hard drive. It brought up the subject of him losing that hard drive or it getting lost/stolen – leading to the idea of cloud storage. He questioned whether cloud storage is safe or...
Image courtesy of ConnetU.The business world is changing fast, now requiring transactions and workloads to be completed faster and greater than ever before. This evolution has been underpinned by technological advances that have now produced a computing system capable of extraordinary feats for any business - Cloud...
You might have thought that cloud computing would never catch on, but it's definitely here to stay. Latest market forecasts are predicting a 30% annual growth for the industry, so if you haven't paid attention before, now's the time to start.People all over the world are flocking to use technology to store data in a virtual...
Creative Commons image sourceSafety in the StratosphereThere is no doubt that cloud technology is revolutionizing the digital sphere. It's efficient, it permits employees to work from almost anywhere, and reduces the amount of money needed to be spent on data storage hardware. However, with the sheer proliferation...
When it comes to cloud computing, this kind of file sharing can be a very unique and interesting method. Instead of the traditional copy and paste methods of adding applications or programs from a flash drive to a computer, this method will allow anyone and everyone with proper information, access to these same files...
Every computer expert will tell you to backup early and often. However, sometimes there is insufficient space to backup and store all the data. Accidents happen and one loses data in a hard drive crash, which can be catastrophic when one is in the middle of a vital assignment. Sometimes your computer is stolen or the...
You may have heard the term “Cloud computing” and wondered what it meant. Savvy IT professionals are aware that cloud computing refers to a system of servers that gives people access to computer services over a network, such as the Internet.Cloud computing is taking off because organizations are realizing the many benefits...
If you work in business and computers, chances are you would have heard about cloud services. It’s something that is talked about a lot but rarely explained to those who don’t know. If you are starting a job in this area or are just curious about the service and how it can help you, it’s important it is explained clearly...