Showing posts with label Infographics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Infographics. Show all posts
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How Secure Is Your Document Sharing Provider

Companies and Enterprises are constantly on the look-out for a reliable and enhanced way of sharing files among their employees without leaking vital information. This is where file-sharing services such as Dropbox and SugarSync come into play. Box, Google Drive and other cloud hosting providers offer users the ability...
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Why Online Marketplace Clone Script Are Popular?

In this Internet era, online shopping has got a wide demand across the world. If you might have thought of initiating your own eCommerce b,...
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Consumer Regulation Guide for Online Businesses [Infographic]

The Consumer regulations guide for online businesses. Getting your online terms and conditions right! [Waterfront Solicitors LLP provide expertise in Commercial Contracts. Designed by Reflect Digit...
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How to Avoid Online Shopping Fraud?

Whether it is the latest tech gadget, new clothes, your next holiday trip, or car insurance - there are few things that you cannot buy online. But as great the pleasure of having everything delivered to your door step may be, the hard is the awakening once you realize you've become a victim of online shopping fraud.During...
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Top Reasons To Be A Bookkeeper

[Source The International Association of Book-keepers, Designed by Reflect Digit...
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The First Cell Phone

The very first cell phone was created in 1946 by a truck driver who was simply running an experiment. The phone weighed around 80 pounds and consisted of a battery life which only lasted through 6 calls. By 1948, the very first hand held phone was created by Martin Cooper; the man responsible for taking mobile phones...
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Infographic on Disaster Recovery

Having a disaster recovery plan (DRP) in place is essential to the survival of all businesses. Without a DRP, businesses are subject to the loss of data, revenue, and customer base during a disaster or downtime, which can be catastrophic. Many different DRP options exist, such as adjusting your in-house infrastructure,...
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Are You Textually Active? What Are You Really Saying on Text Message

Text messaging has greatly grown in popularity even within the last ten years. Today, over 90% of people who have smartphones use text messaging via SMS, or short message service. However, there is a surprising divide between male and female messengers.Although most people believe that females always have more to say...
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Meet Microsoft's new CEO, Satya Nadella

On February 4, 2014, Microsoft announced the appointment of their new CEO, Satya Nadella. Stepping into the role with immediate effect, Nadella is tasked with guiding Microsoft in an ever-evolving marketplace, with tech savvy consumers constantly craving the 'next big thing'. If Microsoft are to stay relevant they...
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How To Fix a Mobile Phone That You Have Dropped Down The Toilet

Ever dropped your phone down the toilet or even know someone who has? We have all nearly been in that position, using the phone as we all do in the bathroom and it just slips out the hand whilst sending that important text message or email that couldn’t wait. If you dropped your phone would you know what to do? or better...
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Top Tips for Study Success

When it comes to studying the thought of it is enough to make us want to give up before we've even picked up a book!The key to studying is balance – remember to take regular breaks and reward yourself for all the hard work you are doing!The International Association of Book-keepers has worked closely with the digital...
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Historical Findings in Astronomy

Taking a look at the history of astronomy will allow us to understand the many advances made and give us the knowledge we need to further explore the universe. The Babylonians were amongst the earliest astronomers in the 17th century B.C. and recorded the motion of the planets in the sky. Their discoveries paved the way...
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Which Gaming Platform is Really the Cheapest?

The price differential between gaming PCs, the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 is something that is hotly debated, and as this infographic shows, there are far more things to think about than just the up-front cost of the console. Which games platform really is the best long term investment?The Xbox One may be expensive...
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Four Years in Jail For Using Facebook

In August 2011 the UK was plagued by riots following a protest in Tottenham after the death of a local man. Thousands of people in London boroughs and in cities and towns across the UK were involved in the riots, which were alternatively dubbed the ‘BlackBerry riots’ as people were using mobile devices and social media...
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Biggest Names And Their Biggest Games

Despite the vast world of gaming on all types of platforms, there are only a handful of developers who are leading the way when it comes to the hardware and the games being released. There is a stunning amount of money being made by these companies, driving the gaming industry forward at a record pace. From the Xbox 360...
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Google Zoo - Predictions for future Google SEO updates

2013 has been a major year for Google updates and there’s no question that it’s been unlucky for some, with Google Penguin 1, 2 and 2.1 all focusing on penalties for sites that Google consider spamy, whether it’s having automated on-page content, or building links solely for the purpose of SEO.No-one predicted quite how...
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How People Can Protect Themselves

Companies, government and medical institutions should know what to do to protect their business assets, customers and employees. Some data breaches take place after the physical theft of electronic equipment. Businesses should install security measures such as cameras, to record break-ins. Security alarms can scare off...
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Best Small Business Apps You Need To Know About

Below is an Infographic on "The Best Small Business Apps" you need to know about. Best Business apps for Brainstormin,g Customer Service, Cash Flow Helper, Package Tracker, File Sharing, Email Campaign Manager, Business Trip Organiser, Social Media Manager and Best Rolodex Alternative are Discussed in the following...
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Gaming Websites Are at Risk

Online games are increasing in popularity with various groups of the population. Many people who start playing these very catchy games have no idea how exposed they can be to hacking. Hackers are looking for gaming websites that don’t have adequate security in place. They look for ways to take control of these websites...
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Car Theft Worldwide [INFOGRAPHIC]

Below is an infographic with statistics on Car Theft Worldwide!Infographic by Smf...