Learning to hack, is a vague word that has been misunderstood by so many. You see people buzzing around with phrases like "Teach me how to hack facebook", "I need to hack my girlfriends gmail account" bla bla bla, not having the slightest clue about what they are taking about. Like I tell folks close to me, hacking involves...
Showing posts with label Penetration Testing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Penetration Testing. Show all posts
HconSTF is Open Source Penetration Testing Framework based on different browser technologies, Which helps any security professional to assists in the Penetration testing or vulnerability scanning assessments.contains webtools which are powerful in doing xss(cross site scripting), Sql injection, siXSS, CSRF, Trace XSS,...
Have you ever spent ages trying to find the results of a particular portscan you were sure you did? Or grepping through a bunch of files looking for data for a particular host or service? Or copy-pasting bits of output from a bunch of typescripts into a report? I have certainly did, and when I heard about the release of...