Showing posts with label UNCITRAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UNCITRAL. Show all posts
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"Implications of the Blockchain Technology for the UNCITRAL Works" - published.

It has come to my attention that my article "Implications of the Blockchain Technology for the UNCITRAL Works" had been published from the United Nations in November last year. The 50th anniversary Congress was a big occasion for UNCITRAL and it was my great honour to be part of it. Here is my article excerpted from the...
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Implications of the Blockchain Technology for the UNCITRAL Works

I will be presenting my thoughts on the subject above in the upcoming Congress of the UNCITRAL for the celebration of its 50th anniversary (4-6 July 2017).My paper currently on the Congress website is a version which I sent to the UNCITRAL Secretariat some months ago and which no longer represents my latest thinking...
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Relevance of the blockchain technology to the draft Model Law on Electronic Transferable Recores (as acknowledged by the latest official document)

My article, "Blockchain Technology and Electronic Bills of Lading", has examined the draft Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records and the Rotterdam Rules to see whether it is possible to interpret them in a manner compatible with blockchain-based bills of lading. What follows will note how the relevance of the blockchain...
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The relevance of the blockchain technology for the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce (1996), the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Signatures (2001) and the UN Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts (2005)

One of the principles guiding UNCITRAL in its works in electronic commerce is the principle of technology neutrality or technological neutrality,[1] which means that the law should neither require nor assume the use of a particular technology for communicating or storing information electronically. The principle helps...
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Security rights in cryptocurrency-related assets

Any asset having market value will generate demand for use as a collateral. It would be possible to create security rights in a receivable which is denominated in a cryptocurrency in the same way as a receivable denominated in a fiat currency. The UNCITRAL Model Law on Secured Transactions (2016) sets forth a...